Thursday, January 17, 2008

Update from Dad

Dear Family and friends,

This morning I wanted to update you on Sherry and our family. In the past few days we have experienced life in ways that are hard to explain. So I will share it briefly with you. It can only be explained by the peace of God that we know that you have ask for in your prayers.

Psalm 42:1 says, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." We find that we are too looking for strength of refreshing and comfort that can only come from Him. The comfort that we have found God confirms to us that God is cradling us in his arms . Our sons and daughters work nonstop caring for Sherry. Her sisters and brothers have been with us as well, staying up all night, attending to Sherry's and our care. Of course Anna, continually reminding us the joy of life.

Some of our experiences have been watching Anna come into the room, and remind us that Nana is asleep, and to be quite. Sherry will occasionally smile, telling us that she is at peace, in the midst of pain, as Jeremy, Layne and I attend to her. It is amazing to watch her reach a comfort of calmest when Amy sings to her or Becky reads to her. She smiles to her brothers and sisters, thanking them for being with us. She was able to reaching out her hand to Pastor Phil as he sang a favorite chorus to her and grasped his hand as he sang. Her face was radiating, soon she will be with her Savior.

For me, the hardest time was yesterday, when the nurse felt it was best to remove her wedding ring, because of the swelling in her hands. She has had times of great pain and the nurses have come and increased the morphine levels. Jeremy, Layne and her brothers and sister has cared for her for hours until she was comfortable.

Her Hospice nurses have been outstanding, answering calls and questions at all hours of the day. They provided answers and have comforted us as well, assuring us that we are providing the right care for her.

This morning she is resting very comfortably, but her breathing is very faint. The growing tumor continues to show more affects. She isn't really responding to us much, and its rare that her eyes open for any period of time.

Dave, and family.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Layne, Jeremy and Family,
You all continue in my heart and prayers. Also know there are 200 plus Navy Moms praying for you continually.
Sherry holds a special place in all our hearts; a real inspiration and blessing to us all who showed us what life was all about.
Love, Roberta

Anonymous said...

booboo, please inform the Navy moms that they can come to this site and leave comments.

Anonymous said...

Dave, thank you so much for your recent update. I know that your hearts are breaking. I also know that God's presence and faithfullness, which has been with you since the beginning will continue to carry you. You have been blessed with a wonderful caring family. My prayer for Sherry is that she will fly away to Jesus to live in his awesome presence for eternity. God bless and keep you in his love and care. Love, Judy

Anonymous said...

Sherry and family:

My God hold you in the palm of his hand. You are in many hearts and prayers.
Pat (Navymom57)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry and family;
Please tell Sherry that I love her very much and I will miss seeing her smiling face. I pray for her and the family everynight. I thank you Sherry for all the good advice you have given me through the years. You have always been kind and accepting of me and that has always meant alot to me. I love you Sherry, very much and Dave, Layne, Jeremy and family
Your niece, Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sherry,
Soon you will be with Jesus.
Soon you will experience what we all hope to experience when you are received in the arms of the dear Savior you have loved and served these many years.
Your life has been an inspiration to me. I have expecially valued these last few years when we have had a better time to get to know each other. I have so deeply appreciated your commitment to Dave, to your boys and their families. Your smile always resonated with my spirit. One of my choice memories is that of you standing at the door waving to me and Marg as we were leaving your home. I can only imagine the joy of meeting you again in the land that is fairer than day in the "Sweet By and By."
Your "big" brother,

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry and family,
I never had the honor of meeting what sounds like this wonderful Christian family. Your faith will be your strength as you know. The bible says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With Jesus by your sides you will come thru this as stronger Christians. Prayers continue to be with you
Sharon Raymer
Navy Mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave and family:
We just want you to know that you all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Sherri was a sweetheart to all and she made everyone feel so relaxed.

She will not be suffering any more.
All Our Love