Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Impact from the Rees'

I want to thank everyone for sending these letters to mom and the family. It is amazing how God works in our lives through one person. Please feel free to continue send them to

Here are two letters from Scott and Timm Rees, neighbors and close friends of ours. They lived a fews houses down from us and we played with each other daily.



I remember when I first moved here from North Carolina in the 6th grade. It was incredibly difficult because I felt so lonely and it certainly didn't help that I was so shy back then. You and your family were a huge part in my transition. Jeremy was one of my first friends. After a hard day of being bullied at Gardner Middle School, there were two places that I could always count on as a safe haven — Pennway Church of God and the Hagerman household. Knowing that I could always pop into your home down the street and be lovingly welcomed with open arms every time meant THE WORLD to me. You were there during one of the most difficult times of my life and I will never forget that for as long as I live. Thank you so much. Know that you are in my constant thoughts and prayers.

Much love,
Scott Rees


I was eleven years old when I inherited my second mother. Having a second mother was not, by any means, my decision. Rather, it was her decision, and I think it was a decision she would have made for any little boy who became best friends with her son. I was just the little boy who was lucky enough to end up in that exact situation.

When I moved to Michigan from North Carolina, I befriended a boy down the street who was roughly the same age as me. His name was Layne and he had one of the most remarkable mothers in the world. She took me under her wing and helped to raise me like I was one of her own.

There are many words that one could use to describe Sherry Hagerman, but my favorite is “Godly.” She was a Godly woman. She had a marriage that was centered on Jesus Christ and was raising a family rooted in the bible right from the start. If you wanted to find the type of selfless love that Christ gives, the closest example might be found in her. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the work that she allowed God to do through her in reaching out to me.

Sherry was the type of “second mother” that any little boy would be lucky to have. She taught me, both in spoken word and through her actions, the love of God. I remember countless nights spent talking about scripture and the ways of the Lord. She allowed us to run free when we went exploring, but reeled us in when we needed to learn a lesson. She cooked the best meals, popped the best popcorn and gave the best lectures. She is an influence that no little boy could know how to repay and every grown man would look back at and realize that he never thanked her enough.

Now, as Sherry’s time with the Lord comes near, I pray that she can look back at her life with no regrets. I pray that as she reflects on her life, she is able to see the insurmountable number of lives that she has touched in a profound way. I pray that she knows that she is loved. Not just by me, her family and friends, but by God himself. I pray that she understands that she has been a vessel for God to reach countless lives. I pray that I might grow to be half the person, half the parent, or half the blessing that she is. I pray that as she goes to be with the Father, she knows that she will be missed. But also that she knows that largely due to her influence, many of us will see her again.

So now I will finally say what I did not say enough growing up. What I have not said enough since moving away and growing apart. What I can not, nor will I ever be able to say enough:

Thank you.

~Timothy Rees

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