Friday, January 11, 2008

Good Morning from Mom

Yesterday was a good day for mom, she was up and at em before I was. She had already had her breakfast, and dad had shown her this site before I opened my eyes.

I came up on Wednesday to help mom and dad around the house and stuff, dad has big plans for the room mom is in, painting and hanging new curtains and some pictures. Jeremy was here when I arrived and stayed most of the day. Thursday he brought Anna with him, she is always a joy to be around. Becky came by and made mom some home made vanilla pudding too!

Mom really did have a good day, filled with family, she did have a friend or two stop by also. While we are on this topic, please do not stop by unexpectedly. Mom and dad need to know in advance before anyone stops by, and by doctors orders, you must by symptom free of all types of colds for at least one week.

Mom was able to get out of bed for a little bit and cruise around in the wheel chair, later in the evening she relaxed on the couch with us.

This morning has been another good morning too, like yesterday, she was awake before I was. This time I was able to eat breakfast with her. She wasn't a big fan of what I prepared though. We have been processing her food so she can eat it easier, but that doesn't always make it taste better.

Every morning and night we log onto this site and read the comments from yall. Well Jeremy, Becky and Anna have come by this morning with some groceries, so I shall stop here. Anna always brings a BIG smile to moms face.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aunt Sherry, Dave, Jeremy, Becky, Anna, Layne & Amy,

What a wonderful and strong family! The love you provide and share with each other is inspiring. Stay strong and know that our prayers are with you all. The pictures are beautiful and a treasure that Anna will always be grateful to have as she grows up. Thanks for sharing your story as you walk through this journey.


Unknown said...

I have so enjoyed Maebug's Blog site, the updates, and wonderful photos these past few days. I will try and stop over this afternoon, or maybe Blake and I will come together early evening. We will call... Know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Debbie

Anonymous said...

I have so many memories of the awesome times we've shared. As Mae Bug and Flutterby, our friendship will last forever.

I want to thank you for the many years of care and attention to my best friend and the love of your life.

Jeremy and Becky and Anna, Layne and Amy,
You have all made your mom and grandma so very proud of you.

I pray that God will wrap you in his loving arms and give yoy peace and comfort.

Love Judy

Sonja said...

Hi Aunt Sherry and all,

So glad that Dad passed along your blog. Now I can keep in touch with everything even though I'm in Virginia. The wonder of the web! As you journey through even these challenging days I'm so blessed at your peace in the midst of adversity. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, that God will be mightily evident in your midst as your treasure each moment together. Your example has challenged me to treasure each moment with the ones I love. We are blessed!

With Love,
P.S. Mariah says hi!

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Sherry~

I just wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much you've always meant to me.

While Abby and I were growing up, you were always the aunt who spent the most time with us, and did things like go to the zoo and take us shopping. You've always been such a huge part of our lives, and we're so grateful for you.

I honestly don't know what we'd have done without you last year when Mom died. You and Uncle Dave arrived every single morning to help us out and lend your support - at both the hospital and Dad's house. I hope you both know how much that will mean to me forever.

I'll never forget the day we spent shopping for wedding dresses with Abby. We laughed so hard and had such a wonderful time. Or this summer when we took our "detour" drive into the country - at least we saw a lot of pretty houses! :)

I love you, Aunt Sherry. I think about you constantly.
With Much Love,

Anonymous said...

I'm meddling in Lindsey's love life so please pray for her. You know how I can be!

I'm glad to hear you're reading your blog.

Love Ya!!!

Anonymous said...

My Friends, I am so glad that you had a good morning. Sherry You have been such a great example of a strong godly woman. You are such an inspiration to me. I love you.

Love, T.C.

Bob and Karen Eichelberger said...

Sherry and Dave,

We have been reading this incredible account of your journey since receiving it a few days ago.

It invites comment, but at the same time it is so humbling that words are hard to find.

Sherry, you have blessed our lives with your courage and faith. When we think of our time with you on "D Dock" over the past few summers we remember your positive attitude, your deep faith and your smile as big as all outdoors

Dave, you and your best friend have been incredible examples of what relationships are to be.

We thank you for being in our lives and for letting us share this most personal journey.

Know that you continue to be in our hearts and prayers, and we pray that God's peace continues to be with you.

Bob and Karen

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sherry,
It was a special privilege for me to be with you, Dave, Jeremy and Layne through the wee hours of the night and morning. I am so glad you were able to sleep. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers almost continuously. I continue to rejoice in the Lord for your strong and faithful witness. Stay strong. Heaven will be richer when the dear Lord says, "Sherry, come home!" You are loved. You are prayed for!
Your "big" brother,

Anonymous said...

From across the mighty mac and da U P we think about you every day and are ever so much inspired with your courage and spirit. Its truely a great lesson for all of us. Thanks so much for the dedication you have shown as a husband and sons, to our little sister Mae-bug. WAYNE