Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Impact letter from Donna

Thank you, Dave, Layne and Jeremy. What a wonderful thing to do for Sherry, and so typical of you all.

It’s hard to know where to begin. Sherry has touched and changed my life in so many ways. First of all, if she and Dave not had Layne, we might never have met. How incredibly sad that would have been! Sherry and Dave have raised a Godly, special young man in Layne, a deep thinker, with a wonderful sense of humor. What a great combination! I’m grateful to God our sweet daughter Amy fell in love with Layne, and they were married.

Over the years I realized what a treasure Layne has in his mother. She loves our Amy as her own daughter, and it has been such a delight to see their relationship grow and deepen. Sherry has such an amazing sense of how to have fun, to relish life, to enjoy the moment. So does Amy, and they connected in a special way. I just watched, and learned how to relax a little – not something I do easily. She taught me that if we savor the moment, the little things, we won’t miss out on the Big Thing, and what God might be doing with it. I will always treasure our heart-to-heart talks over a cup of coffee. Beaner’s (by any name) will always make me think of Sherry.

I think the deepest mark Sherry has left on my soul, is due to her unconditional love for God, first and foremost, and for her family - and her courage. She radiates joy and peace when singing God’s praises, or reading His Word as the love letter it is. There are moments when I know she is in another place, in His real presence. You can see on her face that she is with her Beloved. Her life is an amazing testimony to a deep, fierce, unwavering faith in the face of trial after trial that would have flattened anyone else. She has taught me not to fear even the unthinkable; with Jesus at our side, we can get through it, and we will prevail.

In the face of adversity, Sherry leans into the wind, faces it headlong, hangs on tight, and smiles “that smile”. No matter how rough the seas, how the wind howls, or how much it hurts to hang on, she won’t let go. She is one of the most determined, courageous women I have ever known. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her complain, and have seldom seen her without a smile on her face. Even in her suffering, she tries. How could you not love her? I learned long ago that Christ is her strength; that He not only suffered for us, He suffers with us.

St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” That is Sherry to me. Her life, even without uttering a word, just radiates Christ. She draws everyone to herself and thereby to Him, with her beautiful smile, and her love.

My sweet Sherry, because He lives, and lives in you, we will see each other again.

Until that sweet moment, all my love,



Thank You for your Impact Letter, we love you and thank you for your prayers. Everyone please feel free to keep sending them in.

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