Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mom has gone home...

Sherry, Mom, has been swept up by Jesus tonight. We will update this page with further information as decisions are made. Thank you for respecting our families time with each other during this time.

The below letter was sent by Sherry's brother just moments after she passed. Darold, her older brother, sent it without knowing she was taken by the Lord.

Dearest Sherry,
Soon you will be with Jesus.
Soon you will experience what we all hope to experience when you are received in the arms of the dear Savior you have loved and served these many years.
Your life has been an inspiration to me. I have especially valued these last few years when we have had a better time to get to know each other. I have so deeply appreciated your commitment to Dave, to your boys and their families. Your smile always resonated with my spirit. One of my choice memories is that of you standing at the door waving to me and Marg as we were leaving your home. I can only imagine the joy of meeting you again in the land that is fairer than day in the "Sweet By and By."
Your "big" brother,


Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Jeremy, Layne and families, Our hearts and prayers are with you tonite. It has been a great privilege to spend time with you this week. As Donnie and I left your house this morning, I was afraid we would not feel her warm touch again. I not only lost my sister, but a best friend. With 20 years between our ages, I have often wondered how we became so close, but our love and appreciation for each other was so great. We seemed to enjoy the same kinds of places to shop, and eat, and we were pretty good at both. I look around my home and in every corner, I see things that she thought I should have, and most of the time, she thought I deserved them. Ha!. So they came home with me. The good times I've had with Layne and Jeremy, as they grew up. Memories of their harassment and also their love and concern, I will always cherish. Did I really say that? Thank- you Dave, for the excellent care, that you have given to Sherry. Your love and patience, has been appreciated by her family so very, very much. The many trips to Ann Arbor, with no complaint. God Bless you always. Our prayers go out to you,Dave, Jeremy, Becky, Layne and Amy , and your special angel, Anna. Love to all---Barb

Anonymous said...

Dave, Jeremy, and Layne,
Please know that even though we are separated by many miles you and your family have always been in my thoughts and prayers. Mom has kept me up to date with every step of the journey you all have faced. I just learned about this wonderful sight and have really enjoyed the pictures and reading the stories. Your dedication and love never seize to amaze me. It is so amazing that people I have never met have the same wonderful things to say about Sherry that I would. She was just that kind of person, one who you want to be around as much as possible. I feel so blessed to have many memories of her that I can treasure forever. I know that the angels are singing a beautiful song tonight because of the jewel that they have gained. With love and prayers - Tamra

Anonymous said...

Dave: John and I are heartbroken for ourselves and for you and your family, but so happy for Sherry that she has finally been allowed to start her new life in heaven in the presence of our Father, Savior, and all those saints who have gone before. What a joyous party must be going on right now--she fought the good fight, she finished the race, and the prize is hers. No one deserves it more. What an inspiration and blessing she has been and will continue to be for all of us as we remember her. We will not forget and we look forward to the Grand Reunion in heaven for all of us! With love and sympathy, Barb and John Berry

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry for your loss. I never met Sherri, but I heard of her from the Navy Mom group I belong to. Anna

Anonymous said...

My heart is sad to have such an outstanding lady leave this world too soon. I only knew her from Navy Moms Organization, but some people just radiate their specialness. I am praying for her family. Always remember the good times and let these past awful times fade from your memory. Her love will be with you forever in your heart.

Anonymous said...

I never knew Sherry personally, She was a good "mom" to me while she was still with NMO. She will be greatly missed by everyone. Sherry has taught me so much since i first "met" her and i never really got to say thank you. Thank you Sherry for everything and no matter what you will always be a "mom" to me.

Anonymous said...

Dave, Jeremy, Layne and families, Sherry was such a special lady and friend to me. I never had the priveledge to meet her in person but she was my calming force when my oldest son deployed. She emailed me privately and chatted with me when I needed a friend the most and stole my heart forever. She became my Sister, friend and confidant. When I first got aquainted with her it was on Navy Mom's Online not long before she stopped posting there and with her help I made it through the deployment with only a few more grey hairs.
Please know my heart felt thoughts and many prayers will continue for you and your families during this time of sorrow and transition for you all. Sherry will always be with you! When you think of something she liked, smell a certain scent or feel a cool breeze when there is no wind it will be her letting you know she's there and will always watch over you all in her sweet wonderful way.
Sincerely in sympathy for your loss,
Amanda Emery

Anonymous said...

To all Sherrys family You are in our prayers. We knew Sherry for a very Long time. You could not help but like her.She was very special
lady. Although we didnot get to see her to much. Always when we did
It was a joy. And she had a smile for us. We will miss you.
Lindas Mom and Dad Les and Bev Vanhorn

Anonymous said...

May God bless Sherry and the family. Her bright smile and openess is something we will always remember about her. Love, Bruce and Jeannie

Anonymous said...

My heart rejoices with Sherry today as she is in the presence of her Lord and Savior. When I think of her in heaven, I have to smile and I know that she is smiling too! A new adventure has begun. Eternity with Jesus Christ-how beautiful it must be.
I know that God will continue to comfort family and friends.
Love, Judy

Unknown said...

Our hearts and sympathy goes out to the family. Our Praise for the joy that Sherry will enjoy in the hands of our Savior. She fought the great battle with Friends and Family by Her side. May Sherry find the Joy we have all been awaiting. Our Prayers stay with You, Dave and Family, that you, too. will find Peace.

Love to All
Chad and Beth Decker and Girls.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Jeremy and Layne,
I keep you in my heart and prayers. Sherry was a wonderful soul. I will miss her dearly. She was a wonderful friend and the best Navy Mom. We shared 4 wonderful years as Navy Mom Sisters. We rejoiced when we had our grandbabies at the sametime. She was always there for me and my sailor. I'll never forget the bathingsuit she bought for my granddaughter. It was red, white and blue with stars and strips. I know she looked high and low until she found that. I now can see her watching over us all. God has made her our special angel.
I keep you all in my prayers.
God Bless,
Navy Mom Ann

Anonymous said...

Dave, family, and friends,

I think it was a real privilege to be Sherry's doctor in dealing with this terrible brain tumor. She handled this tumor with grace, dignity, and courage. While I can never feel good about losing a patient, especially somebody like Sherry, at least I am happy that she functioned fairly well during most of the 14+ years, until 2007.

I think Dave was amazing in providing love and support throughout Sherry's illness. I wish every person faced with a serious illness could be blessed with a spouse or partner with Dave's commitment and ability.

I am saddened by her loss. I became her friend and her admirer in addition to being her doctor. My thoughts are with all of you.