Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Update on Mom


I just wanted to give an update, maybe the last one, on how mom is doing. The hospice nurse came back by yesterday to provide some help on issues that needed to be addressed. She also helped Jeremy, dad and I take the last step in making more more comfortable.

At this point, we have done everything we can do. We are making sure that she is never alone, and help her turn over on occasion. We are trying to keep her warm when she is cold, and cool when she is hot, and keep her lips from chapping, she never liked that, it was always a concern when she was at U of M.

She slept most of the night. This morning she has opened her eyes and seems somewhat aware. We have been able to get a light squeeze from her hand, which she wasn't doing last night. She can still hear, but how well I am unsure. She was always good at hearing Jeremy and I when we were doing something we shouldn't.

Anna spent the night and kept most of us intrigued. Doug (mom's brother)and Linda also stayed, and Linda has made us breakfast. Donnie and Barb (mom's sister) came down last night also.

As far as prayers, we ask that you will pray that God's will is done, that mom wont suffer or feel pain, and that the family has strength. Mom has reached many people, and touched many lives, she is loved by many.

-Layne & the family.


Anonymous said...

You are all in my heart and prayers. Love to you all. Michelle

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you for peace and comfort in this hard time. Love you all, T.C.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - Mom has kept us updated (just spoke to her at 1:00). She was just getting ready to take a nap. She talked about you all. Mom is so appreciative that as a family the tears and laughter can happen in the same conversation. She has told me how "the boys" are taking such great care of her little sister, and how Dave is so tender. And no trip is complete without a mention (or two) of Anna and her antics. Great group picture...thanks for sharing your new portraits with all of us. I know you all have an army of prayers being sent your way for Sherry, and you boys, and Dave, and Aunt Sherry's daughter-in-laws. So pleased she got to know the ladies her "boys" love. I'm rambling aren't I? Just know all of us Carey's are praying for all of you. Love ya's - Sue and V

Eva said...

Dear Sherry, Dave, Jeremy, Becky, and the others,

I remember so well when I was last in Michigan for Becky and Jeremys reception and I met you for the first time and was amazed by the warm welcome you all gave me. Here I was the strange German girl that Becky once shared a room with at MSU and you just included me in everything, almost like one of the family. And then when I told Sherry I had never been sailing you insisted on taking me out on a tour and I had such an amazing time! I am really greatful to have met you all and have you in my life.
I look forward to coming back to Michigan in just a little while and see you all again!! I also look forward to meeting Anna for the very first time and hope she has learned to say my name by now...
Thanks for some wonderful memories and looking forward to many more to come!!
Hugs, Eva

Philip said...

We love you Sherry! Thank you so much for your love and care for us. We also love you Dave, Jeremy, Becky, Laine and Amy.


Philip, Tiffany, Bree, Bailey and Daniel

Anonymous said...

Your friendship over the years has meant a lot to us. Our prayers continue to be with you and the family.

Tim and Kim

Anonymous said...

hello to all,
i just wanted to leave a quick story. as her cousin, we grew up a few miles from each other after she moved from the up. we rode bikes together, spent the night at each others house, babysat kids together and even double dated together. after i married and moved away and came back, it felt like we were teens again sharing laughs and stories. then, when i would come over to your house and your mom, (sherry) could not speak, i talked about our youth. then as i went to leave, i was crying and we hugged, but not before she wiped away my tears. i thought i was going over to comfort her, instead, it was SHE who comforted me!!!!