Saturday, January 12, 2008


Please keep the family in your prayers, and do not call until further notice. Any further updates will be posted here unless otherwise stated.



We made it through the night. Mom didn't want to go to bed last night when she normally would, she wouldn't tell us why. Dad asked if she wanted us to call the Hospice nurse, and she said yes. The nurse explained what was going on, and that she was probably in a lot of pain, but mom never tells anyone when she is.

We admitted some morphine, but it didnt have much effect, so the nurse told us to increase it. This went on for a couple hours until the nurse decided she should come over. She came over around 1:30Am. She still wasn't able to sleep, and we finally got her to tell us her pain level.

On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 being the highest) she said 6. The nurse increased the morphine more to help subside the pain. At about 4:30 mom was able to get to sleep. She is still sleeping this morning, but her breathing is changing. Jeremy came as soon as he could., mom's eldest brother also came up.

Thanks for all the prayers, please continue to pray. As for now, Saturday, we ask that calls and visits stay extremely limited, to none. It has been a long night for mom and the family, we are averaging a couple hours of sleep. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dave,Layne,Jeremy, Amy and Becky,

We continue to pray for physical and emotional strength for you folks and for Sherry to be comfortable and without physical pain.

We also Praise Jesus for the witness that Sherry has been to so many people and the comfort of knowing that Sherry will soon be face to face with our Lord and Saviour.

We continue to pray.

Pat and Joan

Rick said...

To Sherry and her family,

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.

Your friends from D Dock (D51)
The Brown Family
Rick, Cindy, Ashley & Britney