Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Photo's

This weekend was a busy weekend for Mom & Dad. Friday I came up to visit and stay the night. When I arrived I had just missed Jeremy but was able to catch my Uncle Dan, who had stopped by to visit. Mom was having a pretty good day dad said.

Saturday I woke up an hour early because the alarm clock was never changed at the last time change. (This was the second time it has happened to me because I forgot to change it the first time it happened on Christmas.) It will probably happen again because I forgot to change the clock this time too. Mom woke up a little earlier than normal also, probably because I was there.

Saturday Amy came up, and Jeremy, Becky and Anna came down so we could get a family portrait taken. Mom also got a portrait with Anna that turned out beautiful.

Sherry wears out much quicker than before, and it is directly related to commotion around her. I could tell that just by me being there, she wanted to be up and out of bed. Of course she would never ask anyone to leave, nor would she lay down when family or company is present.

I decided to go home after Saturday night, and return on Sunday for lunch and a short visit. It's always hard to say goodbye, but knowing that its better for mom to get her rest, it makes it easier.

Below are the photo's we had taken.
Mom & Anna:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos. You all are in my prayers every day. I sent Anna a "bug" utensil set. I hope she likes it :) I LOVE YOU "BUG"!!!! Wrap the shawl around you; that's a warm hug from me. Love, BooBug

Anonymous said...

Wow- what a beautiful family (no surprise there!). Is it really legal to have so many attractive people in the same family?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the running commentary, and for the wonderful pictures! This brings us all into the family, and allows us to pray with more intensity!

There is a community of friends/family in Muskegon who love Sherry. We will continue to intercede on her behalf.

The Jesus Community is a global revolution of prayer warriors.

You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

My dear friend,
I tried to write to you yesterday but my blogging skills seem to be totally non-existant so I am trying once more. I was blessed that I was able to visit with you yesterday, I hope you know how special you are to me and how much I love you and others love you as well. My thoughts and prayers never stop for you and Dave, Jeremy and Becky and Anna, and Layne and Amy. God has given us all many blessings and gifts. You are a most cherished gift that I will always treasure.

Anonymous said...

My sweet Maebug,

Thinking of you today. Love the new photos. They are just beautiful! Keep them coming. Sending a big hug!

Love you
Love Precious

Anonymous said...

My sweet Maebug,

Thinking of you today. Love the new photos. They are just beautiful! Keep them coming. Sending a big hug!

Love you
Love Precious

Donna said...

Dear Sherry and Dave,

What beautiful pictures! They are really precious. We have your lovely Christmas card photo framed in a double frame in our living room. In the other half of the frame is the wonderful photo of you all (except Anna of course)in 2004, in the church lobby, next to the Christmas tree. Such warm memories.

I will save and keep these photos always. Thank you so much for sharing such a special moment with us all.

You are amazing, Sherry. I admire you so, and you know I love you dearly, but I can't stop saying it. I'm grateful to God that through my sweet Amy and Layne, our hearts and our lives will be inseparable forever. All my love, Donna

Anonymous said...

Dave and Sherry,
I'm here at work and thinking of you. Prayers of peace and comfort are coming your way.

Love, Judy

Y's Guys said...

Hi Dave and Sherry,
Just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
You are truly an inspiration to us!
And we love you wedding picture!!
The Y's Guys
Bill and Louise

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry and Dave,
You are on our hearts and in our prayers. We love you.
Jeff and Julie

Anonymous said...

Dearest friends,
I am so blessed to have been part of a world that has given so much to others. I love and honor all that your family has witnessed. You are truly a family of love and respect, that spreads its' way to all of us around your family. Thank you and God Bless. All My Love.
Chad Decker and Family.