Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Message from the Family

Family and Friends,

This early afternoon, Hospice connected the morphine pump. She is resting more comfortably now. Our family is taking turns spending time with her, so she is not alone.

Occasionally we will get a beautiful smile from her; she does respond to us a little. We know that she is at peace and is one moment away from being with our Lord Jesus Christ. While we have spoke with her, we let her know that was are okay, and are ready for her to leave. We know that she will be with God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and what joy that will bring.

can not begin to express the joy we have had with her. We know you have also experienced this joy.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Dave, Jeremy, Becky & Anna, Layne & Amy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, Jeremy, Becky, Anna, Layne and Amy,

I have lit a candle and placed it next to the bible she sent me. I read many of her favorites that she outlined for me. May the Lord provide strength and comfort to you all. She is so very much loved.

You all are in my prayers....