Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Letter from Dave:

To Family and friends,

It is Tuesday late evening, and I have put off sharing the events of late yesterday and today, to spend time with Sherry. We went online and listened to our music pastor, Alan, as he talked (
from this past Sunday) about worship and praise. He reminded us of who we are, and what we're to do. Psalm 71:23 "My Lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you - I, whom you have redeemed."

In the events of today, I feel it is important to remind us that God created us to praise him. Today was a day that it was difficult for me to praise Him, but Alan, you reminded me. God most definitely was cradling us in our events today.

Last night and this morning Sherry's condition continues to change. This morning when she woke up it took a long time for her to recognize her surroundings, and me. After a length of time, things seemed to get a little better, however in that moment, we realized that not only was the right arm not working, but the right leg as well. She is having breathing problems, while eating and swallowing has worsened. The need to tell her what to do next, like to swallow her medicine, is increasing. Her mind is having trouble controlling her own body.

Nancy, her nurse, arrived later and evaluated her condition. She felt it was time to switch over to liquid morphine, along with the time release morphine, and said to stop using other pain medication. She also recommended a electric hospital-style bed. A decision that we had hoped we would not have to think about. She can no longer get up by herself, and with her condition increasing, other procedures had to be address as well.

We wonder where we are in this life, and what may be next, but in the calmness of the evening, as we listened to Alan's podcast a smile came to her face. We have found a way to worship, and a simple smile did it for us.

If you have a moment and want to listen to Alan's message, click here. It requires the Quick time plug in, and patience for it to load.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Dave and Family,
G-d has given us the gift of knowing and loving Sherry and her beautiful spirit will live on. I pray now she will soon be void of pain and suffering.
You all remain in my prayers.
I love you BUG!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know if you all realize that sharing what you've shared has ministered to me and I am sure others as well. Thank you for being so vulnerable.


Unknown said...

Dear Dave, Sherry, and family,
We are so very sorry that we have not been able to come and visit. Mom has been keeping us updated every time that she had new info and we both check this blog everyday for updates. You all are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Please tell Sherry that we love her and are sorry we missed her at Christmas. We will continue to pray for all of you.
We love all of of you.
Travis and Tracine

Deb said...

Dave and Sherry,
As D-Dock friends we have shared some great times with the two of you on your sailboat and on the dock. We will always cherish those times. May God bless you and your family as you are facing each and every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tom and Deb Manthei

Anonymous said...

My dear little Sister---I love you so much. I hope you are relieved of your pain and suffering soon, but our greatest dream , would be for you to get better. Your hubby has taken such good care of you. We are so thankful to him and Jeremy and Layne. And we are so thankful that you have Anna to help brighten your days. Our thoughts are with you and your family, at every moment of the day. It was good to see you on Sunday. All my love---Your big Sister---Barb

Anonymous said...

Sherry and Dave,
What a beautiful, but sad, blog:
Beautiful pictures but sad update.
You both are in my mind constantly and prayers each morning.

We don't know why bad things happen - we do know our Lord promises we shall win !

Roy Osborn

Rex Hill said...

Dear Sister and Family.
I love you so very much. God has given us many years as a large family to enjoy each others love and he has promised us a home in Heaven where our family circle can go on never ending. May Christ comfort you and your family.
Our prayers are with you.

Love; Rex

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Sherry, Boys and Families, Thank you for the opportunity to let us know how things are going. I just want you all to know that I have admired Sherry for her fighting spirit and her ability to stay encouraged with hope. We all need that hope. You, Dave and Jeremy, Layne and your families, Pastor and Friends gave Sherry the will to keep fighting. Her, and your faith has encouraged all of us never to give up. God will call us each home when He is ready. When our sister-in-law passed away unexpectedly I was having a very aggresive chemo, my hair was coming out by the handfuls and I didn't possibly see how I would be able to attend her service looking like that. Sherry knew about it, called me, ask me if I would like her to come, shave my head, and fix my hairpiece. She came, did all that, encouraged me, while she herself was suffering. What a sister! I thought losing hair off your head was a tragedy, but you all know something? It wasn't. Throughout my cancer experience (Going on six years now, I've also been priviledged to witness my faith in a loving Savior to so many without hope. God is so good. Sherry, you, Dave, and your family have been an inspiration to all of us. I'm praying for you every day and love you all. Love, Sherry's sister, Betty Jane.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry and Dave,
It was a joy to spend some time with you yesterday, Sherry. It was so meaningful to me when you squeezed my hand after I prayed with you. Your attempted kiss was a special gift to me. I love you very much and am so glad for the way the Lord has blessed our family through your life.
Dave, you are being a wonderful example of commitment to the Lord and to Sherry. I know the Lord gives you special strength for each day.
You both are in my prayers, many times each day.
As you have been faithful to the Lord, I know He will be faithful to you.
Love, Your brother, Darold

Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Sherry,

Ever since the beginning, I have always respected your faith and committment to God and you have given me insight and wisdom through the years that will continue in my heart. I love you Sherry and I will always remember the ways you were there to help us with your sister Betty when you also were suffering. You have alot of strenght and courage. Carlie will always keep the gifts you sent her for her graduation, to serve as an inspiration for her life. I thank you Aunt Sherry, for making an impact in my life. I think and pray for you and your family everyday.

Love, your niece Donnamae

Anonymous said...

Dear little Sister Maebug and Dave and family,
When we read all the wonderful letters from so many on your website, we thank God for so many prayers going up to our Heavenly father for all of you. You have been an inspiration to so many. We just want to remind you today we all love you very much!! Many prayers and much love, Dot and Dale