Monday, January 14, 2008

Impact Stories

We as a family have had the opportunity to share how Sherry has impacted our lives, and many of those visiting mom have shared similar stories. It is amazing to hear how many lives mother has touched, and the different ways she has done so.

Sharing these stories have helped encourage Sherry and the family. We are continuing to learn about mom even in these last days, so we have a favor to ask you.

We would like you to take a moment, if you are able, to share how Sherry has impacted your life.

If you can write an "Impact Story" on how mom has impacted your life, we may post your story on the blog. If you want to send a story, but do not want it posted on the site, please let us know.

Send your stories to:


Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Sherry, Jeremy and Lane,
It was good to see you for a few minutes yesterday. Again, many thanks for your faithfulness to each other, to the Lord and to Sherry in these tough times. You remain in our prayers many times during the day. Somehow, God's grace becomes adequate for us each day. Let me know if you need me, day or night.
Love and prayers,
Darold and Marg Hill

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Sherry, Jeremy and Lane, It was good to see all of you tonight. May your deep faith in the Lord sustain you during these tough times. You all are in our prayers daily.
Love, Arnie and Georgeann

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry, Dave, Lane and Jeremy
I am so impressed with how you all work togher at this difficult time.
This website is super.
For me Sherry was a sister I never had, the short time we knew each other has forever changed my life.
I love you Sherry girl!!
xo carol

Anonymous said...

I've just recently learned of what Sherry and the family is going through. Sherry has impacted many people's lives along with mine and she will be rewarded greatly. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever started to giggle and it wasn't the most appropriate place...then you look over at your sister and she is giggling, which makes you giggle even more? Then, the more you try to calm down, the harder you giggle, and so does your sister. The adults in the room just shake their heads and kinda smile, or they also catch the giggles. The two sisters are my mom (Barb), and my Aunt Sherry...and it has only been a few years ago...Mom in her 60's and Sherry in her 40's. Have you ever went to visit someone in the hospital with a fake long haired wig(hair past your butt wig) for you and the other for your sister? Again, mom and Aunt Sherry. Laugh until your sides hurt? We have...Mom, Aunt Sherry, Shelly, Veronica and me...and still can't stop...trying to talk...laughing harder...still trying to talk...tears streaming down your face...laughing harder...still trying to talk...
Ever had your "Great Aunt" tell you - "don't call me that!" Veronica has...her Great Aunt Sherry kept telling V that she didn't need to keep putting great before Aunt Sherry...just Aunt Sherry was ok...but Shelly and I just kept egging V to continue to call her Great Aunt Sherry while we called her Aunt (so what that Sherry is younger than Shelly and a just a few years older than me? So glad Sherry has found such a good man with Dave (he put up with us!) and they passed that sense of humor onto Layne and Jeremy. Love ya all...Sue

Anonymous said...

Dave, Sherry, Jeremy and Lane--It's been a long time, too long. My fond memories go way back, back when our kids were really just kids. Our ski weekends, camping trips, parties with close friends from church. We had some very special times together, Sherry, drinking coffee, eating, whatever! They were very special to me. We had some very intense conversations, and saw each other through some difficult times and challenging times in our lives. God has blessed me with a friend like you. We had a WONDERFUL opportunity to serve Christ through youth ministry. I came to know and love your boys in a very special way, and what a priveledge that was! It was always refreshing and exciting to hang out with you. The laughter that we shared was priceless! The shopping trips were always a highlight with you as it often involved a road trip. I have always cherished the times our families have spent together, and the closeness we have shared.

During this very difficult time, please know that you and your family are in my prayers. I hold all of you close to my heart.
Jer.29:11--For I know the plans I have for YOU, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Love you all-Debbie Betterly