Thursday, January 17, 2008

Impact from Diana

It's really difficult to me to put into words exactly how Sherry impacted my life. I met her my freshman year of college and we just hit it off. We made each other laugh and cry and I saw in her a person I wanted to become. I entered her life without any understanding of what she had already been through with her tumor and I exited her life before she started having problems once again. It's so strange for me to hear of her pain and agony because during our times together she was always so alive and vibrant. I think Dave was not very happy at times with me keeping her up late; he was always watching out for her. Despite the fact that she was so popular with so many people, she always had time for me. Whether it was on the phone, a cup of coffee at Beaner's, or watching Gidget in the basement the best thing was just to be together. I always felt so loved when I was with her and I always felt so close to her. I must admit though that it was difficult to share her with so many people. What can I say though? She's just the type of person that everyone loves.

When I think of Sherry I think of Christ. It's difficult to see her apart from Him. He has done so many amazing things in her and through her and she's a living miracle. I remember times of prayer with Sherry, godly wisdom she's shared, and also her openness and honesty about how she's needed God's grace in her life. I also think of her passion to minister to others that just radiated through her. But best of all I loved that she was able to bea kindred spirit to me and offer me a friendship in Christ that I know will never fade. I love her still, I love her always. I can only aspire to become to others what she is to me.

Thank You, Sherry. Thank you for giving of yourself even up to this point. You are amazing and I can't wait to get in trouble with you again! I love you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was made aware yesterday of Sherry's condition and of this web site. As I have read thru a number of the comments, and looked at the pictures, a number of memories have come flooding back to me. Sherry, you are an awesome woman!! You have touched so many lives. And, you have touched my life and my families life. You opened your home to my daughter, you fed us when we didn't have food, you prayed, when there seemed to be no answers or hope. And, above all else, you were there. Thank you Sherry!!! May God continue to use you and may others be touched by you and the Christ you serve, as you have touched me.
Sisters in Christ -
Rosanne Baucom