Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Breakfast Table

Was it a million miles to heaven
Too far to hear my lonely song
Or is it just my imagination I hear you humming along
I only hold you in my dreams now
I wake up with cold and empty arms
Lord help me get through this long night without you
And soon as the morning comes
Soon as the morning comes

Save me a seat at the breakfast table
Save me a dance around the Milky Way
And save me a thousand years to whisper in your ears
All I've wanted to say
Save me a smile and an angel's feather
Save me a walk down the streets of gold
And baby, we'll change our minds just like old times
And maybe we'll just fly away
Or maybe we'll stay

My lucky doll, you're in heaven before me
You were my taste of heaven here
Remember we loved to talk about it, we couldn't wait to get there
So you go on and find your way around now
But remember I'm here missing you
Do me a favor and say hey to Jesus
And tell him I'm missing him too
Tell him I'm missing him too

Then save me a seat at the breakfast table
Save me a dance around the Milky Way
And save me a thousand years to whisper in your ears
All I've wanted to say
Save me a smile and an angel's feather
Save me a walk down the streets of gold
And baby, we'll change our minds just like old times
And maybe we'll just fly away
Or maybe we'll stay

by Chris Rice.


Anonymous said...

What auesome words in this
poem. I have a great aunt that went to be with the Lord on Christmas Day 2007 and I read this poem in honor of her and you, my sweet sister Sherry. I cherish each and every moment I've had with you. Til we meet on that peaceful shore.
Love, Linda Hill

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Layne, for putting these words here. I was crying at the time and couldn't remember the song afterwards. But I knew it had to be a special song. Knowing your mom, it will be a big table she has reserved for all her family and friends.

Love, Aunt Bev.