Friday, January 4, 2008

Ann Arbor Update

Thursday evening Sherry and I made a trip home from U of M. Thursday was the day that she would be admitted for 24 hours of the first session of the new chemo. After the doctor’s evaluation, and seeing the progress of the tumor, he gave us a decision to be made as to what should be done.

The chemo treatment could be done, but because of the progression, the affects of the new chemo wont work fast enough to be of much help. The other option was to hand full care over to Hospice. So once again we had to make a decision as to try the treatment or turn the care over to Hospice.

He left us in the room alone. Sherry's condition has impacted her speech where most communication is by facial and eye contact. I tried confirming by many different ways to be sure of her answer. Sherry confirmed with a smile and hug that it was okay to turn it over to Hospice.

When the doctor came back to the room, he kindly asked if we had a decision, I told him that we did. He asked how do we know and I explained the process. At that point Sherry looked at me and with her broken speech said "it was a big smile". Her Dr. has asked to see her one more time at the end of January as a follow up.

So we left U of M, taking in the beautiful, snow covered trees, with the Christmas lights still shining brightly. They served as a reminder of how beautiful God creates life. We have made this trip over the last ten years, every month, sometimes weekly, and many a times daily. This is how it is with life, we make trips, and we make decision every day as what will be next. On our way home perhaps with one more trip to and from U of M, these trips will come to an end, and we start today
with a new decision, a decision with our family, to enjoy each other here at home.


This is the latest news from my dad. We realize how fast the tumor can grow, and recognize that God has provided us much more time with mom than what most people with this tumor get. It is only in rare cases that someone with this kind of tumor can last soo long; most only survive a few years after discovery. We, as a family, have treasured our time with mom, and will continue to do so until Christ calls her home.

Thank you for your continuing prayers, we will keep updating this blog as time progresses.

-Dave, Jeremy & Layne


Anonymous said...

My Beloved Bug,
I love you! My cherished sister. You are my angel always and forever. You have given so much to so many; a love that radiates when people are in your presence. I pray now for you to be at peace and soon you will be pain free. We will see each other again at our beautiful castle.
Love from the bottom of my heart and soul,
Boo Bug

Anonymous said...


I am planning on coming to town the week of Jan. 14th. I will come by to see you and pray with you. I am praying for you and your family and know you are resting in His peace. I know how you trust our Lord and so do I, I am in agreement with you that not one day will be snatched away. I dearly love you and have admired your faith and strength, you are my hero!!! Love you, Cathy Chisholm

The Chad said...

Aunt Sherry, I wish so much I could come back and see you again. I treasure our time this past summer, and I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.



Anonymous said...

dear "sis",
thank you for letting me be with you the times we could be together. it was so hard to leave you on sunday! you know if i could, i would have stayed hours!! just know, i am always thinking of you and praying for you. mom and dad said to hello and you are in their prayers. love to you my special "sis", my cousin. love and prayers, elaine

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we can come see you tomorrow, but I wanted to share this with you while it is on my heart so it doesn't remain just there. Yesterday while I sat at my desk praying so hard for you and Dave, I was suddenly aware that on the radio they were playing Twila Paris' song "God is In Control" and it hit me hard that God was telling me just that. He followed it up with an old favorite of mine, "Where There is Faith". A couple favorite lines from that song is "We are not alone in this world," and we have "peace like a child sleeping." Simple little things, but so precious assurance. I, also, keep seeing that picture of Christ welcoming home a precious saint and has HIS arms clasp about that soul and know that the saint will soon be you.
Please know that I love you so much. Bev.

Anonymous said...

My precious "Bug"; Sister of my heart,
I've loved you from the very start..
when we "met" on our Navy Moms site,
For support while our children for our country did fight.
I'll never forget the beautiful day,
On your boat we sailed away.
The water glistened; the sky so blue,
The graceful swans enjoyed it too.
Traveling to Rhode Island was alot of fun,
We went to visit BooBug's son.
There we met Susan; our Navy Sis.
She met us at the Lodge with flowers and a kiss!
We've shared so much over the years,
Together we laughed and also shed some tears.
I treasure our friendship and your love,
Having you in my life, I thank G-d up above.
You'll see our Castle soon where there is no pain,
Just sunshine and beauty and not even a drop of rain.
With our Angel Stones Bug, Susan and Boo,
Will one day be together again, this I promise you.
Love forever now and always,
Your Boo Bug

Anonymous said...

Hello, my dear "little" sister,
How I thank the Lord for you.
Your witness to our family has been one of faithfulness to God in the middle of a tough situation.
I admire you and am so grateful to be close enough to spend time with you. Be assured of my love and prayers. You will always be one of God's special gifts to me.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...


I've always considered myself blessed to have known you and your family. You have truly served as encouragement to me and to many others around you.

Kim and I's thoughts and prayers are with you.

Corey Clark

Anonymous said...

Aunt Sherry,
I wanted to thank you for being such a wonderful Aunt. We love Your whole crew. You and your family have and will be in my prayers. Wanted you to know how I think of you and all you have been to us all in such a big family.
all my love,Becky