Sunday, February 24, 2008

The State of Our Hearts

Dear family and friends,

We go on in this life, even though we have suffered a devastating loss. Our grieving continues, and we are finding that each day something new comes along.

I want you to know that I am sadden from time to time. I don't apologize for the times we cry, because since the tears are not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith... They are God's gift to us, so we can express the extent of our loss. They are also a sign of recovering.

At times you may see us angry for no apparent reason, I'm not sure why. What I know is, is that my emotions are intense because of my grief. I sometimes feel I just need to be alone. Sometimes I don't make sense or I repeat myself again and again. For right now, please accept this as normal, forgive us and be patient with us.

More than anything else I need your understanding and your presence. Your presence can be a call, or hugs letting us know you care. Don't wait for me to call you, since sometimes I am too tried or emotional to to do so. That doesn't mean you should not call or visit. If I seem to withdraw from you, please don't let me do that. We need you to reach out to us for the next several months.

Pray for me that I would come to see the meaning in our loss and that I would experience God's comfort and love. It helps to let us know you pray for us.

To those who have experienced similar types of loss: thank you for sharing that with us. It is comforting to hear how you have/are recovering. I cling to the knowledge that my time will come, even though there been times when I did not feel it. I know that I will not always feel as I do now, laughter and joy will emerge once again.

Thank you for caring about our family. Thank you listening and praying. Your concerns comforts us and they are gift for which we will always be thankful.

Dave and the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, I am sorry I have not called please just know that it is not because I don't care, I do and I pray for you and your family daily. Take Care friend, T