Friday, February 1, 2008

Video at Last

Sorry it took so long to upload it, but here it is:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting this on the blog. Love you guys, and thank for all you have done

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful video. Thinking of you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these wonderful memories with us. It helps erase time and space - even though we're in Maine. You're a wonderful, faithful family with the light of Jesus in your eyes. God bless you. You're in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

What a great video. They make me cry every time I see it. I put together a photo album a week ago, to keep on our coffee table, in memory of Sherry. Love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to do, Layne! Now those who loved your Mom, and were not able to attend her funeral, are able to see this window into her life. It will bring them comfort, and make them smile, and maybe cry a little bit, but all because of her love, and the profound love between your Mom and Dad. The video is absolutely beautiful. Although I'm sure it was a family project, she would have been especially proud of you for finding a way to post it. She was and IS so proud of you, as am I.

'Love you, Donna