Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

I'll be home for Christmas;
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
and presents on the tree.

Christmas Eve will find me
where the love-light gleams.
I'll be home for Christmas
If you only in my dreams.

I'll be home for Christmas;
You can count on me.
Please have snow and mistletoe
and presents on the tree.
Christmas Eve will find me
where the love-light gleams,
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams.

(Words by: Kim Gannon)

Perhaps this best describes Sherry thoughts a year ago. For us, we were all home for Christmas, with a candle to burn representing her missing presence, long to be remembered.

Merry Christmas,
Dave & the family.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving, then onto Christmas


Well here it is December. We have snow and Christmas is only a few weeks away. I put the outside Christmas lights up the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I am glad I did. The 40 degree weather that day was good compared to today.

I guess I should be doing Christmas cards, time goes so fast. We just finished Thanksgiving and here it is December. The news tells us it because there are 5 less days between the Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, which means its going to go even faster! (No wonder time goes so fast, and here I thought it was a age thing)

We had a good Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving day, the kids went to the other parents this year, and I went up to my sister's family with my mother. Then on Saturday, we all gathered at Layne & Amy's and had our family Thanksgiving. It was very nice.

After we ate, I passed out memory items for the kids and Anna (something that Sherry and I started last year). Simple little tokens that mark the year of Thankfulness and the memory of Sherry. It is said to keep a memory because you can not relive it. I am thankful for all of the memories.

I am also thankful for all of the invites from all of our friends for meals and time out. As our family goes through this Holiday time, we will strive to keep our focus on God and His grace.

Thank you for prayers and amazing support.

Dave and family.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Personal Update

Today I attended a funeral for a long time friend of the family. A wonderful lady lost her husband this March, and this past Tuesday, She went home to join him. A lot of memories came backto me and I would like to share them.

First let me share with you about this lady. In March, at her husband’s funeral, she sat in her wheel chair, at the age of 86. She was more concerned as to how my family and I were doing than with her own loss.

I have known this couple since I was a child growing up in our small community church. Both of them had taught Sunday School at various times, lead Bible studies, taking part in many Church activities. Our families had a common thread in our beliefs. Both of them always had a positive outlook on life and a sincere love for God.

When Sherry and I were planning our Wedding it seemed only right to ask this couple to act as Host and Hostess for our Wedding. They did. They were well experienced in doing this as they had done it for many other families and friends.

What goes through my mind is that this wonderful couple lived a life together for over 50 years. They were still in love with each other and were blessed to go Home with in 7 months of each other. What a perfect end to their time on this earth.

I talked with their son after the dinner, we shared the sorrow of our losses, yet were reassured by the reunion we will share with them some day soon.

I do not know how people act in Heaven, as to how they catch up with other family and friends, but here is my take on the first few greetings in Heaven. After meeting our Savior and hearing well done, we will meet with our family. I believe that there is a welcoming party with people that played a part in our lives here; A homecoming to say the least. To me, that is, for this wonderful lady, she will be the first to give a personal update on me and my family: We’re doing OK.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Through the Fog

I woke up this morning surrounded by fog. Some family is coming down today to help me finish up a laying the boards on a deck I have been building. My mind hasnt really started working yet, havent had my cup of coffee yet this morning (yet another sign that I am aging).

Have you ever driven in the fog? I dont know about you, but I have a tendency to look around more, keeping an eye out for deer, or anything else really. Then the fog will get thicker and its more difficult to see where the road ends and the grass starts. Your praying that another car wont come down the road. Then, when you least expect it... you get on top of a small hill that lets you see for miles.

Your was un prepared for the moment, but you get that sense of comfort knowing that your going to be alright for the little longer.

Today, this morning, that was my moment. I woke to a phone call. My brother in law and father in law are coming down. I saw on my computer and decided to listen to Chris Rice's "Breakfast Table" song.

I sang along while thinking about mom, and I was, am, okay, content, happy. Funny how sometimes that clearing comes in and allows you to look forward and know its going to be alright.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

August 7th, 2008

I remember 32 years ago this morning. It was the day of our wedding. We were moving into our home we had built. I had connected the washer and dryer the night before after our wedding rehearsal. The morning of our wedding I stopped by the house to do some things. I entered the laundry room and noticed a box of Tide laundry soap on the floor so I picked it up to place it up on the counter. Low and behold the washer had leaked and the bottom of the soap box was wet. So when I picked it up the bottom gave way and this new box of soap fell all over on the floor and I was left holding am empty box.

We have laughed so many times at this. Sherry was busy getting all ready for a day being a bride, and I was doing the laundry, so to speak. Fixing what’s been broken.

Today always marked a day to celebrate. Although it seems only yesterday, the memories are ever so present.

This week I have taken what became our traditional vacation time at the boat. This morning I got up and went to the beach. We loved going to the beach. There is something about the waves and their motion, how the water meets the sky. It was a time to talk with God. My prayer to God and His words back to me seemed to say: “it’s time to move on, its time breathe in and let everything out”.

Perhaps it’s this song that keeps playing in my mind (I love how God speaks to us through music). When I finished listening, got back in the car, and started to go, it was this song that was playing when I turn the radio on:

It’s time for healing time to move on
It’s time to fix what’s been broken too long.
Time to make right what has been wrong.
It’s time to find my way to where I belong.
There’s a wave that’s crashing over me
And all I can do is surrender.

Whatever You’re doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there’s peace
It’s hard to surrender to what I can’t see
But I’m giving in to something Heavenly

Time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Reevaluate who I really am
Am I doing everything to follow Your will
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills
So show me what it is You want from me
I give everything I surrender…

Time to face up
Clean this old house
Time to breathe in and let everything out
That I’ve wanted to say for so many years
Time to release all my held back tears
Whatever you’re doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but I believe
You’re up to something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly.

The song is by Sanctus Real, and titled “Whatever You’re Doing (Something Heavenly)”

Recently I have had to make many decisions and plans on my own. Sometimes I really have to push myself to get things done. I know God is with me, and He shows Himself daily, but it’s at the end of the day that you realize He was with you… always. It can feel like chaos, but I believe.

This spring I was asked to pray about being a Deacon at our church. Last fall I was asked but Sherry and I felt it wasn’t time. After much prayer, I still felt it wasn’t time, but God kept telling me it was, so I said yes.

This past Friday, after a month of interviews and then the Elders passing approval, then the Church body’s decision, it became finalized; I had become a Deacon.

Again this song came to mind. All that can say is that if feels like chaos, but I believe God is up to something bigger than me, larger than the life that is going on inside me.
I tell you all this to say that God continues to work in me. I cannot explain it, except to say: “It’s larger than life, it must something Heavenly.”


Friday, July 18, 2008

Today, We Rejoice.

Paul wrote this to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’” he also wrote it for us.

Today is July 18th and this day is Sherry's birthday. She would have been 50 this year and plans for this day, a year ago, were being made. There was going to be a celebration at the Marina with family and friends. God had a bigger plan for Sherry, and His plan was to celebrate her birthday with Him.

Six months ago yesterday she left this world; I am sure she is rejoicing. So the question for us is: “how do we rejoice on a day like this?” Paul said to rejoice in the Lord always. I would like to think that it was easier for him to say this; however, we know that he was in prison when he wrote this command. Paul definitely knew a thing or two about difficult times.

Perhaps rejoicing in the Lord reminds us of how good God is, how good friends and family are, and how good it is to have memories. Webster’s dictionary defines rejoice as a verb: to give joy, gladden, stemming from the Latin word gaudēre, to be glad. Despite the loss, we have the assurance of where Sherry is and that we share the same promise. Sherry taught us how to give joy, freely.

A year ago we were making general plans. A year ago Sherry had to be at the local hospital for a test. We then left for U of M that afternoon and had dinner at a favorite restaurant, Zingerman's. We sat outdoors to eat, and listened to a local jazz trio as we talked about life. Suddenly the trio sang Happy Birthday to her in a jazzy fashion. It gave her such joy, it was great. We stayed at Ann Arbor that night because Sherry had to be at U of M at 5:10 am for a MRI, and then see her doctor and then on to chemo.

We made it work, and that was how we did things. We got home late the next day, and the following evening, family came over to celebrate one more time, one more birthday, one more day to celebrate her.

“Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’”

Well we had plans and always had dreams, but one plan that we did not have, and I can't hold it back any longer. God always has a way of showing us reason to rejoice. For our family we are going to add another one. Jeremy and Becky are expecting their second child. So this makes me a Grandfather, twice. Not sure what you call yourself when you have two grandkids (but I'm sure that some of you will help me with that…). And the due date? The week of January 20th.

So once again: “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’” -Phil. 4:4

Today, we choose to rejoice, to be glad, to enjoy our sweet memories, and to look forward with a smile as we continue to make many, many more.

-The Hagerman's

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Keeping it up

Hey everyone! Thanks for keeping with us. While we do not update this blog often, rest assured are still kicking around ideas for it.

I am very thankful that you are still out there, across the state, nation, and even world, reading. Its not always easy for us to keep the posts coming, but on occasion we get an itch, or theres a special event where we find it necessary to post... tomorrow is one of those special necessities!

Tomorrow is a grand event on this site, tomorrow is the day we celebrate Sherry's birthday!

Please come by and visit as there will be a new post, including a new picture many have probably not seen, or maybe you have... ?



Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Birthday

Sunday I turned 27 years old, and boy did I feel it! On Saturday, a good friend of mine came down, and we went to the driving range, and when Sunday arrived, I was sore! It was my first time out this year, and I could tell.

I am very thankful to everyone who came down to visit, and I appreciate everyones kind words that we not able to make it. I know it was short notice to many.

I can understand a little bit more what my dad felt on his birthday, back in March. Jeremy, Becky & Anna came down, dad was here, and Adam, my other brother, came down too. It was great to have everyone here, but it was different.

It was another first since mom has passed. It's still difficult just to write it. Happiness definitely stopped by to visit at the party, but there was definitely something missing, and her name is mom.

On occasion I think about how my grieving process has proceeded, and I believe I am still handling it well. There are times, and I know there will be for many years to come, that I will stop and think about the joy and presence mom brought with her. The room changed when she entered, and we were blessed to be a part of it.

We are still blessed by those memories, even when its hard to recognize the blessing.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

An update from the Family

Greetings to all,

It has been a while since we have posted. Sorry for the delay. Life for us has been busy, trying to find a normal part to life. But we all find that there is no normal. Just that life continues forward with memories. Good memories.

Since our last post "the American Cancer Relay for life", theres has been some events that have taken place.

The American Relay for life. The team Linda Hill put together " Maebug's Ladybugs", raised over $1500.00. The team also won best theme. You quessed it, we were all ladybugs.

Anna, will turn two on June 29th. She is talking and say small sentences that surprise us all the time.

The boat is in the water. It has logged a few hours out on Lake Michigan and is eagerly waiting to log more time. Thanks to all on D Dock for you help. You folks are the best. They are always ready to help. They always run when the boat comes into dock... running away for safety or maybe to help.

Sparrow Hospice had a Memorial Service, it was good to talk with Sherry's hospice nurse's again.

Jeremy ran his first triathlon a few weeks ago and did very well, even got his picture in the paper! Last week Jeremy, Becky and Anna went to St. Louis to visit Wendy, Justen and their family.

Layne has started a new job a Gull Lake Ministries as a cook. They visited Washington DC and then Amy continued on to Madison WI for more work.

The free Corian counter tops, that I won last fall, were installed last week.

Betty, Sherry's sister made here trip to U of M for her testing for the genetic research. U of M finds the research a challenge for the family as there seems to be no solid answers yet, as to what gene that may be causing so much cancer in the family. Betty's test resolutes should be back in another month. The Doctors hope that they may find something, but with all testing they can only focus on a few areas.

I went along with Betty and Barb. It was good, Sherry's Drs. came out and talked with us. It was a healing time to see them again and to here them talk of how strong a person Sherry was.
The Genetic Drs. were also the same that did Sherry's. They too knew of her death, and spoke kind words, encouraged us even more as to why the research is needed.

Although this seems little to over the last few months, the weeks have gone by quickly, and there is so much that has happened in our lives. At different times of the day it seems that only yesterday she passed on. This coming week it will be five months. How time moves on and yet memories seem to some times stand still.

Today is Father's Day. The kids came over and grilled dinner and we ate well. Then we went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. I can say that I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. My son's and daughter's are the best and I truly love them. They have been such a strength and support to me.

As for Anna, She has a spot in my heart that continues to grow bigger every time I see her. When I look at her pictures and look at Sherry's pictures, there is no question that she has her grandmother's smile. Well I think so, but perhaps its a grandfather thing.

So we thank you for all of your prayers. Continue to visit the site, I think we have some news to post soon!!

Dave and family.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Relay for Life

My aunt has started a team in honor of my mom, in this years American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.

I missed the first meeting, but i hope to get more information soon.

We will be asking for donations for the event. For now, if you are willing and able to give, please contact a family member.

My wife and I, my brother and his wife, my dad and aunt Linda will all be participating in the walk. I am not 100% sure who else will be walking, so forgive me if I did not mention your name.

The event is scheduled for May 16 & 17th, and will be a 24hr, around the clock walk. For this reason, we have the teams. Each team will walk the entire 24hrs, in shifts, so that no one person walks the entire time. The walk will be at the St. Johns High School Football field.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Day

April is here and is bringing warmer weather. Each day is new and with it new thoughts arrive.
Easter was different for us this year. Our family gathered. We are all learning to move on in this life and then something new comes along and the thoughts of what Sherry would have done hits us.

Grief is natural and an inevitable reaction to loss. We are not given a choose about having grief, but we can choose how to grief. As I go about each day the memories and the pictures reflect on our short time together in this life. I make time to reflect on our moments together and enjoy these memories.

Here is our latest picture taken at Easter. Anna of course is the only one we see changing. She now calls me Grandpa, and is talking ever so clearly. She is such a princess.
We did communion at Church this weekend, the first Sunday of the month. This time, however, it was most amazing time. The last time Sherry and I were together for communion I remember her being very emotional, last night found out why.

Perhaps this is how each day should be for us. You are taking the sacrament's in remembering whom Christ is and what He has done for you, but do it, as if very soon you will be in His presences, changes the whole experience. I realized that this time Sherry was pondering Christ and the price He paid for our sin, so that in a very short time, She could be in His very presence.

Sherry has experienced her first Easter celebration in Heaven.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Friday, March 21, 2008

Another Year Older

This weekend I turned another year older, at least by calender years. I went down and spent Friday night with Layne and Amy. Then on Saturday Jeremy, Becky and Anna arrived along with a few other family members.

Anna kept us all entertained. Throughout the day I remembered it was okay to laugh and have fun. For Anna, she finds laughter so easy, and is so generous to give hugs and kisses... but in all of the days events I know that we all missed one: a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend.

The ride home was long and I had a lot of thoughts. This was a first with out Sherry, birthdays and other events were a big part of her life. She was always ready to have a good time with laughter, food, cards, and gifts. I remember last years at my birthday it was a lot of effort for her, but she did it.

It is hard to think that a year ago the tumor was changing rapidly, but she was still able to provide a birthday for me.

After I unpacked, gathered the mail and settled down, I did my Grief workbook. The scripture for the day was Psalm 147: 3, " He heals the broken hearted and binds their wounds". This verse caused me to stop and reflect on how God works. He removed Sherry form our lives when His work with her on earth was done. He has healed her totally in His presence.

Theres a song by Mercy Me that says: "I can only imagine what it will be like", Sherry and I would talk about this often. Never did we really talk about what it would be like for us left here after her leaving. We would talk about what I may do, but not how I or the kids may feel. Isn't it strange that the focus is always Heaven bond? Perhaps that is why I find healing in this Grief Class. It brings out the promises from God, that His plan for me and the kids had not changed. His goal for us is still in tact, even in the midst of our loss.

For me, the kids, and the family, He heals our broken heart and binds our wounds. It is a process that God places with each of us, that He will do for us when we allow it. It isn't an instance healing, I am learning the wounds need time to heal. I have a great family and many wonderful memories, and I am so thankful for that.

Thank you all for celebrating with me, another Happy Birthday.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Inspiration of God

As I look at how my mother lived, to me, it seemed normal, it is only as I reflect on her life now, that I see it was not. Often our sense grow dull to those amazing things that surround us every day. It would be like living in Washington D.C. and losing that amazing feeling that a visitor gets looking up at the Lincoln Memorial.

My mother was an inspiration not because of who she was, but because of how she allowed God to use her. She kept a positive attitude when facing surgeries, she held her head high when confronted again and again with Chemotherapy and she focused on how God blessed her, after radiation.

It is because of this attitude that you and I can be secure in our faith. It is because we see her songs of praise that we can believe in Christ. She served as an example to us, that even in the lowest valleys of life, we can turn our eyes on Jesus, and He will provide strength. When we don't think we can continue moving, He will carry us forward.

(the picture is a cover the the Audio Adrenaline album "Underdog")

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The State of Our Hearts

Dear family and friends,

We go on in this life, even though we have suffered a devastating loss. Our grieving continues, and we are finding that each day something new comes along.

I want you to know that I am sadden from time to time. I don't apologize for the times we cry, because since the tears are not a sign of weakness or a lack of faith... They are God's gift to us, so we can express the extent of our loss. They are also a sign of recovering.

At times you may see us angry for no apparent reason, I'm not sure why. What I know is, is that my emotions are intense because of my grief. I sometimes feel I just need to be alone. Sometimes I don't make sense or I repeat myself again and again. For right now, please accept this as normal, forgive us and be patient with us.

More than anything else I need your understanding and your presence. Your presence can be a call, or hugs letting us know you care. Don't wait for me to call you, since sometimes I am too tried or emotional to to do so. That doesn't mean you should not call or visit. If I seem to withdraw from you, please don't let me do that. We need you to reach out to us for the next several months.

Pray for me that I would come to see the meaning in our loss and that I would experience God's comfort and love. It helps to let us know you pray for us.

To those who have experienced similar types of loss: thank you for sharing that with us. It is comforting to hear how you have/are recovering. I cling to the knowledge that my time will come, even though there been times when I did not feel it. I know that I will not always feel as I do now, laughter and joy will emerge once again.

Thank you for caring about our family. Thank you listening and praying. Your concerns comforts us and they are gift for which we will always be thankful.

Dave and the family.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb. 17th, One Month

Here it is Feb. 17th 2008. It has been one month since the passing of Sherry, and it still seems as if it were only yesterday. During this time I have come to realize many things.

The first is that grieving, is the cost of loving some one so dear. Every day I look around and see pictures, recall moments, or go to do something for her, and then realize that she has gone.

I am accepting that. She is in a perfect place, a place that was prepared for her. I, my family, and our friends are without her, and we grieve the loss. Isn't it unique that God created us to have this built-in emotion to help us heal from the earthly loss of someone that we loved.

Secondly in the past weeks I come to realize something else. Many a mornings when we would be reading scripture or Sundays in church we would sing songs of hope and comfort, tears would come to her eyes. I thought that it was just her emotions, or comforting the pain that she was in. I now know differently. She new, could feel and hear, the realization that these words were not just of hope and promises, but they were real. It was because she had come to a place in her faith that very soon all of this earthly life would pass and the promises of God would become present.

I can now feel and experience it also. As I go about re-reading many of the past scriptures that we had studied, or hear the songs, they take on a how new meaning. The Holy Spirit has brought this realization to me. It brings hope to a new meaning.
In Isaiah 40:13, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"

As I embrace this grief that God has given me, I am finding a healing from God during this loss. Everyday, sometimes by the hours, I find this healing taking place. The sadness is still there, but the comfort from God is becoming greater.

Thirdly, She had received a gift from God as a child. She had opened this gift and claimed it, a gift of eternal life. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." She now lives in this place called Heaven with this everlasting life, and I look forward to the day when I will be reunited with her.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Psalm 139

1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.

2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.

3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.

4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.

5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,

10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"

12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.

19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!

20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.

21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
and abhor those who rise up against you?

22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

I have read this many times, today, and many before. Knowing this was one of my mothers favorite chapters, I cannot help but read it over and over. I know that this Psalm gave her strength and comfort.

While we cannot understand why God would allows such imperfections, we know it serves a greater purpose. I cannot help but wonder, how many times my mother called upon God to remove her tumor, something He knew about when He created her. I wonder if that is why she loved this psalm so much, comforting her, and reassuring her that it is a part of God's will.

While she asked God to remove it, she didnt stop loving God, she didnt stop God from working in her life. She didnt put His plans on hold, she continued on following His outline for her life. This is how she became Christ-like.

Christ knew He was going to die, He knew that was a part of God's plan. Christ still cried out to the Father, asking Him if there was any other way.

Mark 14:36 "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

It is through our weakness, we are made strong. Its when we give up our control, that God can live through us.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Video at Last

Sorry it took so long to upload it, but here it is:

Monday, January 28, 2008

Everlasting Memorial

One of the things that the funeral home gave to us after the funeral was a web page for mom (outside of this blog of course).

The page offers a biography, an online guest book, where visitors can leave comments, and pictures. They also have a slide show of pictures listed under movie. Give the movie some time to load, it seems to take a little bit of patience... something I am still learning.

If you get a chance please feel free to stop by the site here.


On another note, I wanted to thank you all for the cards, gifts, and flowers. We are working on the thank you notes, but as you might have guessed it, there were a lot of people visiting, and that is a lot of cards to write. Dad, Jeremy and I aren't the best at writing with pens either. :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Impact from Linda K.

To Sherry and her family,
Sherry is like a ray of sunshine when the clouds roll in over Muskegon Lake. Her upbeat outlook on life, her strength and her courage have made a profound impact on my life. She has taught me to laugh at myself and situations, to look for the positive in everything and to just enjoy each day to the fullest.
Even when she faced last year's surgery, she was upbeat and courageous. That miraculous surgery gave us all more time to be together and to enjoy the friendship that started all those years ago on the center dock of Hartshorn Marina in Muskegon. We spent so many wonderful days on the water, including nearly two weeks together on our boat traveling to the North Channel. What an experience that was, and I have the pictures to prove it! We both cherish all our memories together on the water we all love so much.
One of the most important ways Sherry (and Dave) have influenced Ken and my lives, has been in how they have always been so honest, accepting and non-judgemental of others. Their deep Christian faith has shown us that being "religious" means true love for God and for others, and demonstrating this through living a Christian life, not just preaching about it. We have the utmost respect for them as individuals and as a couple practicing their faith every day. That has helped sustain us watching all that is happening now to our dear friends.
I will miss Sherry every day of my life. I only wish we had many more years to share our love of sailing and our unquestioning friendship. She has been an inspiration to me and I will always treasure what she gave to me, a true friendship that will always be in my heart.
I love you Sherry. This summer, when we sail over the sparkling waters of Lake Michigan, I know you will be right there beside me, smiling and enjoying the wind and the sun, just as we have for so many other seasons of our lives. God protect and care for you, dearest friend, and give you peace.
Linda K.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Breakfast Table

Was it a million miles to heaven
Too far to hear my lonely song
Or is it just my imagination I hear you humming along
I only hold you in my dreams now
I wake up with cold and empty arms
Lord help me get through this long night without you
And soon as the morning comes
Soon as the morning comes

Save me a seat at the breakfast table
Save me a dance around the Milky Way
And save me a thousand years to whisper in your ears
All I've wanted to say
Save me a smile and an angel's feather
Save me a walk down the streets of gold
And baby, we'll change our minds just like old times
And maybe we'll just fly away
Or maybe we'll stay

My lucky doll, you're in heaven before me
You were my taste of heaven here
Remember we loved to talk about it, we couldn't wait to get there
So you go on and find your way around now
But remember I'm here missing you
Do me a favor and say hey to Jesus
And tell him I'm missing him too
Tell him I'm missing him too

Then save me a seat at the breakfast table
Save me a dance around the Milky Way
And save me a thousand years to whisper in your ears
All I've wanted to say
Save me a smile and an angel's feather
Save me a walk down the streets of gold
And baby, we'll change our minds just like old times
And maybe we'll just fly away
Or maybe we'll stay

by Chris Rice.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Thank You

I know that many of you went to the funeral and visitation, and we wanted to thank you. Thank you for your prayers, your thoughts, your cards, your support, the flowers, the time, the memories, the food, the help, and of course, the brownies!

I know that there is a list of people that I Layne, would like to thank. I know that there is a list of people that my dad, Dave, would like to thank. And I also know that Jeremy has a list of people to thank.

I heard someone tell me that the Internet has made so many things impersonal, we would rather send and email than make a phone call. He said that this blog made something impersonal become very close, real, and tangible to him. While many people are around the state, nation, and even world, they were able to share experiences, and keep up to date with moms health. That was her wish.

Mom was happy to hear all the comments, and the family loved to read them to her. This blog has been many things for us, and we aren't ready to let it go just yet. We would like to keep the site up for a little while longer, while we are unsure what we might do with it.

Mom wanted to be cremated, and in the spring, we will bury her as she asked. We will take pictures if at all possible, and post them here.

All in all, I want to thank each and every one of you for visiting, please feel free to pop in now and again to see whats going on. As tears run down my face, I must tell you it is difficult to say goodbye, so as it was said at the funeral, see yah later.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thanks for Visiting

What an amazing day it has been. We arrived at the funeral home shortly before 1 pm so that we could setup some pictures, look over the flowers, and of course, pay our respects and say whatever needed to be said.

Shortly after 1, family started showing up. At 2 pm the doors were open to both friends and family. What a crowd. I felt like a sardine at times because there were soo many people there. I couldn't help but think that they were all their for my mother. In some way shape or form, their lives were touched by my mothers. The room wasn't small by any means either. It was amazing to see people there from all roads of my mothers life. From friends from Carson City, to friends from their old Church at Pennway, to friends from the church they attend now at Trinity. Family of course, both mom and dads side showed. People I have never met before, family I also need to be reintroduced to, my friends that knew mom, Jeremy's friends that knew mom. The list goes on and on.

The second viewing was more quiet, which is to be expected. There were also many more people from Trinity there. Over this last week I have started to see why my mom and dad like that church so much. The people I have met surpass all standards of kindness and thoughtfulness.

I look forward to tomorrow with anxiousness, not to get the morning over, but to meet more people who loved my mom. I want to thank everyone who came to the visitation, and I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow morning. We are unsure of what kind of turnout there will be, but we look forward to sharing in the stories.


The funeral will be held on Monday, January 21, 2008 at 10:00 am, at Trinity Church, 3355 Dunckel rd. Lansing, Michigan 48911.

I would also like to inform everyone that there will be donation envelopes at Trinity Church if you would like to help our family with funeral expenses.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Funeral & Visitation

Today we set the dates and times for the funeral and visitation.

Visitation will be on Sunday, January 20, 2008, at Gorsline Runciman Funeral Home.There will be two visit times: the first will be from 2:00 - 4:00 pm and the second from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. It will be held at 900 E Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48912.

The funeral will be held on Monday, January 21, 2008 at 10:00 am, at Trinity Church, 3355 Dunckel rd. Lansing, Michigan 48911.

We would also like to inform mom's readers that there will be donation envelopes at Trinity Church if you would like to help the family monetarily, which would be much appreciated. It will be used to cover funeral expenses. If you live out of town or are unable to pick up an envelope please email for an address.

Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, memories, and the food you have brought over.

-The Family

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mom has gone home...

Sherry, Mom, has been swept up by Jesus tonight. We will update this page with further information as decisions are made. Thank you for respecting our families time with each other during this time.

The below letter was sent by Sherry's brother just moments after she passed. Darold, her older brother, sent it without knowing she was taken by the Lord.

Dearest Sherry,
Soon you will be with Jesus.
Soon you will experience what we all hope to experience when you are received in the arms of the dear Savior you have loved and served these many years.
Your life has been an inspiration to me. I have especially valued these last few years when we have had a better time to get to know each other. I have so deeply appreciated your commitment to Dave, to your boys and their families. Your smile always resonated with my spirit. One of my choice memories is that of you standing at the door waving to me and Marg as we were leaving your home. I can only imagine the joy of meeting you again in the land that is fairer than day in the "Sweet By and By."
Your "big" brother,

Impact from Diana

It's really difficult to me to put into words exactly how Sherry impacted my life. I met her my freshman year of college and we just hit it off. We made each other laugh and cry and I saw in her a person I wanted to become. I entered her life without any understanding of what she had already been through with her tumor and I exited her life before she started having problems once again. It's so strange for me to hear of her pain and agony because during our times together she was always so alive and vibrant. I think Dave was not very happy at times with me keeping her up late; he was always watching out for her. Despite the fact that she was so popular with so many people, she always had time for me. Whether it was on the phone, a cup of coffee at Beaner's, or watching Gidget in the basement the best thing was just to be together. I always felt so loved when I was with her and I always felt so close to her. I must admit though that it was difficult to share her with so many people. What can I say though? She's just the type of person that everyone loves.

When I think of Sherry I think of Christ. It's difficult to see her apart from Him. He has done so many amazing things in her and through her and she's a living miracle. I remember times of prayer with Sherry, godly wisdom she's shared, and also her openness and honesty about how she's needed God's grace in her life. I also think of her passion to minister to others that just radiated through her. But best of all I loved that she was able to bea kindred spirit to me and offer me a friendship in Christ that I know will never fade. I love her still, I love her always. I can only aspire to become to others what she is to me.

Thank You, Sherry. Thank you for giving of yourself even up to this point. You are amazing and I can't wait to get in trouble with you again! I love you!


Update from Dad

Dear Family and friends,

This morning I wanted to update you on Sherry and our family. In the past few days we have experienced life in ways that are hard to explain. So I will share it briefly with you. It can only be explained by the peace of God that we know that you have ask for in your prayers.

Psalm 42:1 says, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." We find that we are too looking for strength of refreshing and comfort that can only come from Him. The comfort that we have found God confirms to us that God is cradling us in his arms . Our sons and daughters work nonstop caring for Sherry. Her sisters and brothers have been with us as well, staying up all night, attending to Sherry's and our care. Of course Anna, continually reminding us the joy of life.

Some of our experiences have been watching Anna come into the room, and remind us that Nana is asleep, and to be quite. Sherry will occasionally smile, telling us that she is at peace, in the midst of pain, as Jeremy, Layne and I attend to her. It is amazing to watch her reach a comfort of calmest when Amy sings to her or Becky reads to her. She smiles to her brothers and sisters, thanking them for being with us. She was able to reaching out her hand to Pastor Phil as he sang a favorite chorus to her and grasped his hand as he sang. Her face was radiating, soon she will be with her Savior.

For me, the hardest time was yesterday, when the nurse felt it was best to remove her wedding ring, because of the swelling in her hands. She has had times of great pain and the nurses have come and increased the morphine levels. Jeremy, Layne and her brothers and sister has cared for her for hours until she was comfortable.

Her Hospice nurses have been outstanding, answering calls and questions at all hours of the day. They provided answers and have comforted us as well, assuring us that we are providing the right care for her.

This morning she is resting very comfortably, but her breathing is very faint. The growing tumor continues to show more affects. She isn't really responding to us much, and its rare that her eyes open for any period of time.

Dave, and family.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Impact from the Rees'

I want to thank everyone for sending these letters to mom and the family. It is amazing how God works in our lives through one person. Please feel free to continue send them to

Here are two letters from Scott and Timm Rees, neighbors and close friends of ours. They lived a fews houses down from us and we played with each other daily.



I remember when I first moved here from North Carolina in the 6th grade. It was incredibly difficult because I felt so lonely and it certainly didn't help that I was so shy back then. You and your family were a huge part in my transition. Jeremy was one of my first friends. After a hard day of being bullied at Gardner Middle School, there were two places that I could always count on as a safe haven — Pennway Church of God and the Hagerman household. Knowing that I could always pop into your home down the street and be lovingly welcomed with open arms every time meant THE WORLD to me. You were there during one of the most difficult times of my life and I will never forget that for as long as I live. Thank you so much. Know that you are in my constant thoughts and prayers.

Much love,
Scott Rees


I was eleven years old when I inherited my second mother. Having a second mother was not, by any means, my decision. Rather, it was her decision, and I think it was a decision she would have made for any little boy who became best friends with her son. I was just the little boy who was lucky enough to end up in that exact situation.

When I moved to Michigan from North Carolina, I befriended a boy down the street who was roughly the same age as me. His name was Layne and he had one of the most remarkable mothers in the world. She took me under her wing and helped to raise me like I was one of her own.

There are many words that one could use to describe Sherry Hagerman, but my favorite is “Godly.” She was a Godly woman. She had a marriage that was centered on Jesus Christ and was raising a family rooted in the bible right from the start. If you wanted to find the type of selfless love that Christ gives, the closest example might be found in her. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the work that she allowed God to do through her in reaching out to me.

Sherry was the type of “second mother” that any little boy would be lucky to have. She taught me, both in spoken word and through her actions, the love of God. I remember countless nights spent talking about scripture and the ways of the Lord. She allowed us to run free when we went exploring, but reeled us in when we needed to learn a lesson. She cooked the best meals, popped the best popcorn and gave the best lectures. She is an influence that no little boy could know how to repay and every grown man would look back at and realize that he never thanked her enough.

Now, as Sherry’s time with the Lord comes near, I pray that she can look back at her life with no regrets. I pray that as she reflects on her life, she is able to see the insurmountable number of lives that she has touched in a profound way. I pray that she knows that she is loved. Not just by me, her family and friends, but by God himself. I pray that she understands that she has been a vessel for God to reach countless lives. I pray that I might grow to be half the person, half the parent, or half the blessing that she is. I pray that as she goes to be with the Father, she knows that she will be missed. But also that she knows that largely due to her influence, many of us will see her again.

So now I will finally say what I did not say enough growing up. What I have not said enough since moving away and growing apart. What I can not, nor will I ever be able to say enough:

Thank you.

~Timothy Rees

Impact letter from Donna

Thank you, Dave, Layne and Jeremy. What a wonderful thing to do for Sherry, and so typical of you all.

It’s hard to know where to begin. Sherry has touched and changed my life in so many ways. First of all, if she and Dave not had Layne, we might never have met. How incredibly sad that would have been! Sherry and Dave have raised a Godly, special young man in Layne, a deep thinker, with a wonderful sense of humor. What a great combination! I’m grateful to God our sweet daughter Amy fell in love with Layne, and they were married.

Over the years I realized what a treasure Layne has in his mother. She loves our Amy as her own daughter, and it has been such a delight to see their relationship grow and deepen. Sherry has such an amazing sense of how to have fun, to relish life, to enjoy the moment. So does Amy, and they connected in a special way. I just watched, and learned how to relax a little – not something I do easily. She taught me that if we savor the moment, the little things, we won’t miss out on the Big Thing, and what God might be doing with it. I will always treasure our heart-to-heart talks over a cup of coffee. Beaner’s (by any name) will always make me think of Sherry.

I think the deepest mark Sherry has left on my soul, is due to her unconditional love for God, first and foremost, and for her family - and her courage. She radiates joy and peace when singing God’s praises, or reading His Word as the love letter it is. There are moments when I know she is in another place, in His real presence. You can see on her face that she is with her Beloved. Her life is an amazing testimony to a deep, fierce, unwavering faith in the face of trial after trial that would have flattened anyone else. She has taught me not to fear even the unthinkable; with Jesus at our side, we can get through it, and we will prevail.

In the face of adversity, Sherry leans into the wind, faces it headlong, hangs on tight, and smiles “that smile”. No matter how rough the seas, how the wind howls, or how much it hurts to hang on, she won’t let go. She is one of the most determined, courageous women I have ever known. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her complain, and have seldom seen her without a smile on her face. Even in her suffering, she tries. How could you not love her? I learned long ago that Christ is her strength; that He not only suffered for us, He suffers with us.

St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” That is Sherry to me. Her life, even without uttering a word, just radiates Christ. She draws everyone to herself and thereby to Him, with her beautiful smile, and her love.

My sweet Sherry, because He lives, and lives in you, we will see each other again.

Until that sweet moment, all my love,



Thank You for your Impact Letter, we love you and thank you for your prayers. Everyone please feel free to keep sending them in.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Impact Stories

We as a family have had the opportunity to share how Sherry has impacted our lives, and many of those visiting mom have shared similar stories. It is amazing to hear how many lives mother has touched, and the different ways she has done so.

Sharing these stories have helped encourage Sherry and the family. We are continuing to learn about mom even in these last days, so we have a favor to ask you.

We would like you to take a moment, if you are able, to share how Sherry has impacted your life.

If you can write an "Impact Story" on how mom has impacted your life, we may post your story on the blog. If you want to send a story, but do not want it posted on the site, please let us know.

Send your stories to:

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Inspiration is defined: "to communicate or suggest by a divine or supernatural influence".

It isn't very often in life that we meet someone or even something that will inspire us. When I think of who has inspired me in my life, the list is very short. When someone that special crosses your path in life, your path changes, your life changes. The people who allow God to use them, to inspire others, create a special bond within our lives, they hold a significant meaning that is not easily forgotten.

I have always known my mother was able to connect with people, she was loved as a youth leader when I was growing up. She is loved by all her friends at the boat, in her church, her small group, pretty much anyone who has had the opportunity to know her. I guess thats the thing about people like her, she enjoys life, she radiates Christ, she loves without boundaries. Its hard not to like someone with those characteristics.

Throughout this last week, I am realizing the magnitude of love she has shared. 1 Corinthians 13:1 says "If I speak in the tounges of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong, or clanging cymbal." She spoke with love, she lived her life pouring out love to everyone she came in contact with.

My mother loved reading the Bible, I remember on many occasion her reading through the Psalms. I will never forget her reading from memory:

Psalm 23:
"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."

As I look at this verse, and the battle my mother continues to fight, I can still hear "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me... my cup runneth over... I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."

Many times in the last 15 years, my mothers soul has been restored, many times in the last 15 years God has used my mother to restore my soul. She prayed without ceasing while I was in the service, and while Jeremy was out on the long calls of duty.

She has walked and she has crawled through many valleys, yet she remained trusting in her faith, that God would provide for her, her every need. God has given her blessing upon blessing, and He still gives. Her cup runneth over.

As I look back upon all of this, and wipe tears from my eyes, I see that goodness and mercy has followed her all the days of her life, and she will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

New Update on Mom


I just wanted to give an update, maybe the last one, on how mom is doing. The hospice nurse came back by yesterday to provide some help on issues that needed to be addressed. She also helped Jeremy, dad and I take the last step in making more more comfortable.

At this point, we have done everything we can do. We are making sure that she is never alone, and help her turn over on occasion. We are trying to keep her warm when she is cold, and cool when she is hot, and keep her lips from chapping, she never liked that, it was always a concern when she was at U of M.

She slept most of the night. This morning she has opened her eyes and seems somewhat aware. We have been able to get a light squeeze from her hand, which she wasn't doing last night. She can still hear, but how well I am unsure. She was always good at hearing Jeremy and I when we were doing something we shouldn't.

Anna spent the night and kept most of us intrigued. Doug (mom's brother)and Linda also stayed, and Linda has made us breakfast. Donnie and Barb (mom's sister) came down last night also.

As far as prayers, we ask that you will pray that God's will is done, that mom wont suffer or feel pain, and that the family has strength. Mom has reached many people, and touched many lives, she is loved by many.

-Layne & the family.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Message from the Family

Family and Friends,

This early afternoon, Hospice connected the morphine pump. She is resting more comfortably now. Our family is taking turns spending time with her, so she is not alone.

Occasionally we will get a beautiful smile from her; she does respond to us a little. We know that she is at peace and is one moment away from being with our Lord Jesus Christ. While we have spoke with her, we let her know that was are okay, and are ready for her to leave. We know that she will be with God, the Maker of heaven and earth, and what joy that will bring.

can not begin to express the joy we have had with her. We know you have also experienced this joy.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Dave, Jeremy, Becky & Anna, Layne & Amy.


Please keep the family in your prayers, and do not call until further notice. Any further updates will be posted here unless otherwise stated.



We made it through the night. Mom didn't want to go to bed last night when she normally would, she wouldn't tell us why. Dad asked if she wanted us to call the Hospice nurse, and she said yes. The nurse explained what was going on, and that she was probably in a lot of pain, but mom never tells anyone when she is.

We admitted some morphine, but it didnt have much effect, so the nurse told us to increase it. This went on for a couple hours until the nurse decided she should come over. She came over around 1:30Am. She still wasn't able to sleep, and we finally got her to tell us her pain level.

On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 being the highest) she said 6. The nurse increased the morphine more to help subside the pain. At about 4:30 mom was able to get to sleep. She is still sleeping this morning, but her breathing is changing. Jeremy came as soon as he could., mom's eldest brother also came up.

Thanks for all the prayers, please continue to pray. As for now, Saturday, we ask that calls and visits stay extremely limited, to none. It has been a long night for mom and the family, we are averaging a couple hours of sleep. Thank you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Good Morning from Mom

Yesterday was a good day for mom, she was up and at em before I was. She had already had her breakfast, and dad had shown her this site before I opened my eyes.

I came up on Wednesday to help mom and dad around the house and stuff, dad has big plans for the room mom is in, painting and hanging new curtains and some pictures. Jeremy was here when I arrived and stayed most of the day. Thursday he brought Anna with him, she is always a joy to be around. Becky came by and made mom some home made vanilla pudding too!

Mom really did have a good day, filled with family, she did have a friend or two stop by also. While we are on this topic, please do not stop by unexpectedly. Mom and dad need to know in advance before anyone stops by, and by doctors orders, you must by symptom free of all types of colds for at least one week.

Mom was able to get out of bed for a little bit and cruise around in the wheel chair, later in the evening she relaxed on the couch with us.

This morning has been another good morning too, like yesterday, she was awake before I was. This time I was able to eat breakfast with her. She wasn't a big fan of what I prepared though. We have been processing her food so she can eat it easier, but that doesn't always make it taste better.

Every morning and night we log onto this site and read the comments from yall. Well Jeremy, Becky and Anna have come by this morning with some groceries, so I shall stop here. Anna always brings a BIG smile to moms face.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Letter from Dave:

To Family and friends,

It is Tuesday late evening, and I have put off sharing the events of late yesterday and today, to spend time with Sherry. We went online and listened to our music pastor, Alan, as he talked (
from this past Sunday) about worship and praise. He reminded us of who we are, and what we're to do. Psalm 71:23 "My Lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you - I, whom you have redeemed."

In the events of today, I feel it is important to remind us that God created us to praise him. Today was a day that it was difficult for me to praise Him, but Alan, you reminded me. God most definitely was cradling us in our events today.

Last night and this morning Sherry's condition continues to change. This morning when she woke up it took a long time for her to recognize her surroundings, and me. After a length of time, things seemed to get a little better, however in that moment, we realized that not only was the right arm not working, but the right leg as well. She is having breathing problems, while eating and swallowing has worsened. The need to tell her what to do next, like to swallow her medicine, is increasing. Her mind is having trouble controlling her own body.

Nancy, her nurse, arrived later and evaluated her condition. She felt it was time to switch over to liquid morphine, along with the time release morphine, and said to stop using other pain medication. She also recommended a electric hospital-style bed. A decision that we had hoped we would not have to think about. She can no longer get up by herself, and with her condition increasing, other procedures had to be address as well.

We wonder where we are in this life, and what may be next, but in the calmness of the evening, as we listened to Alan's podcast a smile came to her face. We have found a way to worship, and a simple smile did it for us.

If you have a moment and want to listen to Alan's message, click here. It requires the Quick time plug in, and patience for it to load.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Photo's

This weekend was a busy weekend for Mom & Dad. Friday I came up to visit and stay the night. When I arrived I had just missed Jeremy but was able to catch my Uncle Dan, who had stopped by to visit. Mom was having a pretty good day dad said.

Saturday I woke up an hour early because the alarm clock was never changed at the last time change. (This was the second time it has happened to me because I forgot to change it the first time it happened on Christmas.) It will probably happen again because I forgot to change the clock this time too. Mom woke up a little earlier than normal also, probably because I was there.

Saturday Amy came up, and Jeremy, Becky and Anna came down so we could get a family portrait taken. Mom also got a portrait with Anna that turned out beautiful.

Sherry wears out much quicker than before, and it is directly related to commotion around her. I could tell that just by me being there, she wanted to be up and out of bed. Of course she would never ask anyone to leave, nor would she lay down when family or company is present.

I decided to go home after Saturday night, and return on Sunday for lunch and a short visit. It's always hard to say goodbye, but knowing that its better for mom to get her rest, it makes it easier.

Below are the photo's we had taken.
Mom & Anna:

Friday, January 4, 2008

Ann Arbor Update

Thursday evening Sherry and I made a trip home from U of M. Thursday was the day that she would be admitted for 24 hours of the first session of the new chemo. After the doctor’s evaluation, and seeing the progress of the tumor, he gave us a decision to be made as to what should be done.

The chemo treatment could be done, but because of the progression, the affects of the new chemo wont work fast enough to be of much help. The other option was to hand full care over to Hospice. So once again we had to make a decision as to try the treatment or turn the care over to Hospice.

He left us in the room alone. Sherry's condition has impacted her speech where most communication is by facial and eye contact. I tried confirming by many different ways to be sure of her answer. Sherry confirmed with a smile and hug that it was okay to turn it over to Hospice.

When the doctor came back to the room, he kindly asked if we had a decision, I told him that we did. He asked how do we know and I explained the process. At that point Sherry looked at me and with her broken speech said "it was a big smile". Her Dr. has asked to see her one more time at the end of January as a follow up.

So we left U of M, taking in the beautiful, snow covered trees, with the Christmas lights still shining brightly. They served as a reminder of how beautiful God creates life. We have made this trip over the last ten years, every month, sometimes weekly, and many a times daily. This is how it is with life, we make trips, and we make decision every day as what will be next. On our way home perhaps with one more trip to and from U of M, these trips will come to an end, and we start today
with a new decision, a decision with our family, to enjoy each other here at home.


This is the latest news from my dad. We realize how fast the tumor can grow, and recognize that God has provided us much more time with mom than what most people with this tumor get. It is only in rare cases that someone with this kind of tumor can last soo long; most only survive a few years after discovery. We, as a family, have treasured our time with mom, and will continue to do so until Christ calls her home.

Thank you for your continuing prayers, we will keep updating this blog as time progresses.

-Dave, Jeremy & Layne