Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Birthday

Sunday I turned 27 years old, and boy did I feel it! On Saturday, a good friend of mine came down, and we went to the driving range, and when Sunday arrived, I was sore! It was my first time out this year, and I could tell.

I am very thankful to everyone who came down to visit, and I appreciate everyones kind words that we not able to make it. I know it was short notice to many.

I can understand a little bit more what my dad felt on his birthday, back in March. Jeremy, Becky & Anna came down, dad was here, and Adam, my other brother, came down too. It was great to have everyone here, but it was different.

It was another first since mom has passed. It's still difficult just to write it. Happiness definitely stopped by to visit at the party, but there was definitely something missing, and her name is mom.

On occasion I think about how my grieving process has proceeded, and I believe I am still handling it well. There are times, and I know there will be for many years to come, that I will stop and think about the joy and presence mom brought with her. The room changed when she entered, and we were blessed to be a part of it.

We are still blessed by those memories, even when its hard to recognize the blessing.


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