Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Day

April is here and is bringing warmer weather. Each day is new and with it new thoughts arrive.
Easter was different for us this year. Our family gathered. We are all learning to move on in this life and then something new comes along and the thoughts of what Sherry would have done hits us.

Grief is natural and an inevitable reaction to loss. We are not given a choose about having grief, but we can choose how to grief. As I go about each day the memories and the pictures reflect on our short time together in this life. I make time to reflect on our moments together and enjoy these memories.

Here is our latest picture taken at Easter. Anna of course is the only one we see changing. She now calls me Grandpa, and is talking ever so clearly. She is such a princess.
We did communion at Church this weekend, the first Sunday of the month. This time, however, it was most amazing time. The last time Sherry and I were together for communion I remember her being very emotional, last night found out why.

Perhaps this is how each day should be for us. You are taking the sacrament's in remembering whom Christ is and what He has done for you, but do it, as if very soon you will be in His presences, changes the whole experience. I realized that this time Sherry was pondering Christ and the price He paid for our sin, so that in a very short time, She could be in His very presence.

Sherry has experienced her first Easter celebration in Heaven.

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7


Anonymous said...

Dave, the family picture is beautiful, and your words are very true, and moving. Thoughts of Sherry come rushing in when you least expect it, don't they? So often I find myself thinking of what she would do, what she would say in response to a certain situation. The first thing I see in my mind's eye is her wonderful smile.

That spirit of kindness and amazingly positive outlook on life is the family's trademark. Your spiritual fingerprints are on everything and everyone you touch. It is Christ, and because of Christ. No wonder communion with Him is so powerful.

I pray for you and the whole family daily, that in your moment of greatest need and longing, the very presence of Jesus will envelope you, that His perfect peace and profound comfort will flood the open doors of your heart, and fill you with His peace. Take care, and take heart, Dave. You are not alone. - Donna

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, Dave. I cannot imagine the loss you have gone through or the grace God gives us to survive these times. Praying often for all of you!