Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Inspiration of God

As I look at how my mother lived, to me, it seemed normal, it is only as I reflect on her life now, that I see it was not. Often our sense grow dull to those amazing things that surround us every day. It would be like living in Washington D.C. and losing that amazing feeling that a visitor gets looking up at the Lincoln Memorial.

My mother was an inspiration not because of who she was, but because of how she allowed God to use her. She kept a positive attitude when facing surgeries, she held her head high when confronted again and again with Chemotherapy and she focused on how God blessed her, after radiation.

It is because of this attitude that you and I can be secure in our faith. It is because we see her songs of praise that we can believe in Christ. She served as an example to us, that even in the lowest valleys of life, we can turn our eyes on Jesus, and He will provide strength. When we don't think we can continue moving, He will carry us forward.

(the picture is a cover the the Audio Adrenaline album "Underdog")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Layne. - Donna