Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Relay for Life

My aunt has started a team in honor of my mom, in this years American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.

I missed the first meeting, but i hope to get more information soon.

We will be asking for donations for the event. For now, if you are willing and able to give, please contact a family member.

My wife and I, my brother and his wife, my dad and aunt Linda will all be participating in the walk. I am not 100% sure who else will be walking, so forgive me if I did not mention your name.

The event is scheduled for May 16 & 17th, and will be a 24hr, around the clock walk. For this reason, we have the teams. Each team will walk the entire 24hrs, in shifts, so that no one person walks the entire time. The walk will be at the St. Johns High School Football field.


Anonymous said...

Layne, this is awesome! Tell your Aunt Linda she's an angel for organizing this. We (Mitch and I) absolutely will be contributing, and if my feet don't fail me, I'll be walking as much as I can. We'll have fun and laugh, just like your Mom would want us to. Thank you for an opportunity to be part of something to make a difference in someone's life. What a fitting thing to do! God bless you. Talk to you soon. Love, Donna

Anonymous said...

Here is the link to our Realy Team's page:

You can donate online very easily. Layne can you post this so others can see. Any cash or check gifts should be turned into Linda by the 12th.

People can also come to the Relay site (SJ High School) to take part in the auction and other activities - it is open to the public Firday and Saturday (but not overnight).

Always, Becky

Jeremy Hagerman said...

Since the above link is broke, here is a link to a page to send donations:

Click here to visit the Relay for Life Fund Raising Campaign