Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sherry's Blog

This blog will be used to keep family and friends up to date with informations and news concerning Sherry. Please leave comments on the site if you wish, She would love to hear from you!

Thanks for your prayers!

(This blog will be updated by the boys.)


Anonymous said...

To my sweet Maebug,

I love you very much.

Love Precious

Booboo said...

To my precious Maebug,

You have been an inspiration and blessing in my life. The love that radiates from your soul is awesome to behold. I love you forever and always.

Love Boobug

Roberta said...


I am having trouble setting up my account so I did it again and created a new one.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

To my Dear Friend, You are such a inspiration to me. The way you have faught and your strength to carry on. I use you as a example in my life and how I should be. I love you.

Amanda said...

Sherry, my sweet sweet friend, I want you to know how important in my life you have been. When I first came to NMO you were there to talk with me and give me so much comfort and support while my son was deployed. Thank you so much for being there and being my friend. My prayers continue for you and your family. Love and hugs!

Roberta said...

Just wanted everyone to know how Maebug and I met. Layne was in the Navy at the time as well as my son Steve and we were both part of a support group, When I learned Maebug lived in Lansing; not far from me in Grand Rapids, we began to get together. I believe the first time we met was in Muskegon at their sailboat. It was a glorious day. From there, it's history :) Sherry continues to be an inspiration and blessing in my life and as stated earlier, I'm a better person because of her. She has a true compassion and always reaches out to help others. We have become "sisters of the heart"; a very unique bond. My dearest Maebug, how I love you and always will. "BooBug" xxx ooo

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry and Dave, this site is a great idea. I love seeing the pictures of your family. We will be praying that the new chemo will help and not be too difficult for you. Let us know if we can help. Debbie (John, too)

Anonymous said...

You are my dear friend, my sailing buddy and my inspiration of how to live life. I love you and will see you soon. Your friendship has meant so much to me and our couple friendship has been so very important to us. Your darling granddaughter is such a wonderful legacy. I'm sending a hug for you and one for Dave.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry, dear friend,
I love you.

topcutter said...

Hi Sherry, I was anonymos because I was having trouble creating an account. but I have one now. I wish you the best with your new treatments. I will be praying for you as I always do. Love you so much. T

Anonymous said...

Hi and My prayers are with you, I'm not sure you'll remember me but I called on the " gang " at the Kit. Shop back " in the Day"{ Rick Ehinger } I Know of the struggles involved and hope and pray for the best for you , we do know that our faith in the all mighty can make a HUGE diffence in very tough times...

You have MANY people thinking of you and Praying for you !! { my family included }

God Bless , Rick Ehinger [ Ehinger-Brown Co. ] and currently Mi. Rep. for The Grabill Cabinet Co.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry and Dave- I have never met either of you,shared emails with Dave through my work (KSI)- This site is a wonderful idea, I've enjoyed reading everything- You are two very courageous people and your story has touched my heart greatly. Sending prayers and strength to you and your family- Keep the Faith- Wendy Sadler

Anonymous said...

Auntie Sherry,

Hi sweetie! Mom shared this site with me (thanks boys for helping to keep us all up-to-date). You know you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I want you to know how much you mean to Shelby and I. We love coming to Lansing and shopping and lunching with you. You are so strong and give me so much inspiration with how positive you are through this fight! Blessings to you and the family.



Anonymous said...

Sherry, Dave and Boys (and the girls who dare to marry you!! hee hee) You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Veronica has been blessed with her first sailboat outing at the tender age of 4 (now she's 11) on Great Aunt Sherry and Captain Dave's boat! Grama (sister Barb) was on her maiden voyage with us the tender age of 60ish...We loved the time spend with you all on the boat, visiting in Lansing, laughing at stupid things you and Shelly say or do!!! You are in Veronica and my prayers as you have ALL been. Keep on plugging away. And to Captain, Layne, and Jeremy - if you guys need anything, just give us a whistle. We'll be there. Love ya,
Sue and Veronica

Layneh said...

60 ish... Nice. ;) oh the comments that could be made about that one, I will refrain this time.

Love yah! -layne

Anonymous said...


I have just recently found out about all that is going on with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I pray that the new treatment works well and that things start to improve for you. You are a true fighter. Keep the up the good fight and keep up the prayers. You have many praying for you.

Much Love,
Brenda Reynolds
Styles Hair Studio