Saturday, December 29, 2007

Quick Update

January 3rd is mom's first treatment on the new chemo. She has to have blood work done, then a personal visit with her Dr. then she can be admitted.

On the 4th, in the morning they will begin the treatment and the plan is to release her at noon. I am not sure what the process is, except she must be hydrated. I think its important to be sure that her body has plenty of water in her system so the chemo has less effects on the liver. She will need to drink plenty of fluids afterwards also. In the past, it was normal to have an hour of hydration prior to her treatment, I am unsure if this will be the same or longer.

Just wanted to put up a quick update.

-Dave & Layne


Jack and Dawn LaMothe said...

Sherry & Dave,
Linda shared this Blog with some of your friends, so we wanted to take an opportunity to post to it. (We've never posted to a Blog before, so thanks for another new experience in the world of technology.)
It sounds like you enjoyed a warm Christmas holiday with your family. We did as well, and are loving spending time with our three beautiful grandchildren.
Our prayers are with you both (and your family) as you begin this new treatment. Sherry, you are one of the most amazing women we've ever had the priviledge of knowing. Your strength and courage are an inspiration to so many, and we're glad you have a wonderful man like Dave beside you through all of this. We wish you both all the best in the New Year!
Jack and Dawn

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry, I am sitting here admiring the little girl (with the white muffs) candle holders that you bought me at Smith Floral a few years back. They are so cute. I just love them. Smith Floral is a great place to shop. I wonder how much they have made off us in the past. The pictures of Anna are so cute. Of course, so are the ones of you and Dave. Hope you are doing better today. I still haven't got the books to Betty and Dorothy, that you gave me for them, but I told them I would get them to them soon. Love you lots. Your big sis. Barb

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry,
Gosh I miss chating with you on NMO. You would not belive how big Angelina and Liam are getting. Mary Joe reuped for 3 more years in the Navy.
I am so happy your boys have set this blog up for all of us to keep in touch with you. Bless their hearts. :) Keeping you in my daily prayers Sis. Love you with all my heart. BIG HUGS AND KISSES
Navy Mom Ann

Anonymous said...

Sherry and Dave,

We love you guys and we continue to pray that the new chemo will provide miracoulous (the blog needs spell check) results to Sherry's body.

Dave, a special prayer for you as you continue to be that rock for Sherry and your boys (and their spouses). You amaze me. How you show love to Sherry and to all of us, is the example of how Jesus want all of us to love each other.

Safe travels to and from Ann Arbor. I will call with you on 1-5-2008 to see how I can help you. I don't want to be a burden, as I know many probably ask you: "What can I do to help"? But..... Can I shovel you driveway/sidewalks? Does your oil need to be changed in your vehicles? Can we get a cup of coffee, while Joan spends time with Sherry? Can I run some errands for you for your business? What is that one special food that Sherry would like and would be appropriate when you folks come home on Friday?

Dave, you will bless me, by letting me help you.

Pat (Assistant Coach) and Joan

Anonymous said...

Dearest "Bug",
Prayers continue; especially as you are administered the new chemo. I am holding you ever so close to my heart.
Love forever,

Donna said...

Dear Sherry and Dave,

Layne and Jeremy have done such a beautiful thing in creating this blog for you. They are truly the fruits of your spirits. They reflect your amazing love for one another.

I am in awe of your courage, and your faith. I always have been. I will be praying for you all this week, Sherry, and for you Dave, that you will feel the real presence of God, and His incredible peace in the midst of the storm.

It would be wonderful if once again, you could leave the doctors speechless.

I love you Sherry. Not only
family by marriage, but sister of my heart, forever. Love, Donna

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherry and Dave, We were with Bob and Yvonne over New Years. Of course, you are so much a part of our conversations together. We also, saw Micki and Bill at Church and she gave us the info on your blog along with Yvonne. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers and will send a special one up to the heavens for your first treatment. May God continue to give you the peace and courage that is such an inspiration to all. With love and hugs, Carl and Lynn from Holland

Anonymous said...

Dear Sherry and Dave My thoughts and prayers are with you Thursday as you go for your new treatment. I love you both. (((HUGS)))