Thursday, December 27, 2007

News from the Doctor

Wednesday was a long day in Ann Arbor, but Mom & Dad made it home. They were faced with yet another tough decision on which road they want to take. The choice was whether to move over to Hospice or to start a new type of chemotherapy.

The new chemo is called Cyclophosphamide, or for those of us who aren't doctors, Cytoxan. This will not be an easy road, however Mom has become a natural at fighting during this long battle. This type of chemo has some extreme side effects and mom will need her rest, and our encouragement (another reason for this blog).

Mom & Dad will be contacting "Transitions" at Sparrow Hospital, which is like a Hospice, but it allows them to continue with their current doctors in Ann Arbor.

-Other News-

Mom had a wonderful Christmas, and throughly enjoyed the time with her family. Anna was a bundle of joy, as always. When all the adults were ready for a nap, she was still running circles around us.

Christmas Eve the family went to the Christmas Eve service at Trinity. We were blessed with the presence of Amy's & Becky's parents, and friends from Grand Rapids.


Donna said...

What a loving thing to do, Sherry, and completely like you. By creating this blog, you have allowed us to share our thoughts and prayers for you, any time of the day or night. It also lets us know how you are doing, without fear of disturbing you or intruding at an especially difficult time, when you need your rest, and your privacy. Even the pink and rosy colors you have chosen for your homepage are like you - warm, comforting and welcoming, like your beautiful smile. God bless Layne and Jeremy for being your loving scribes.

You were radiant on Christmas Eve, Sherry, with God's peace, and such love. Your beauty comes from deep within. You are one of the most courageous women I have ever known. You have shown us what it truly means to fight the good fight, way beyond what anyone would have thought possible. God's grace surrounds you, and my prayer is that He will pour out His grace and blessing even more upon you in the days to come, and on Dave, as well. I will pray day and night, in the precious Name of Jesus, that God's will be done, but if it be His will, that you be fully restored to health, even now, all to His glory. What incredible joy that would be!

God bless you, sweet Sherry, with utter peace, and freedom from all pain and anxiety. God grant your doctors amazing skill, and His great wisdom and discernment in the days to come, in Jesus' Name. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over you, and that under the protection and provision of His blood, and in His Name, that He will bind and break Satan and all his power and plans and attacks from coming against you, and pour out the fullness of God's blessings upon you, now and all the days of your life. Amen, and Alleluia.

I love you, Sherry. Always, Donna

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to have this blog. Roberta keeps us all on NMO updated and through her we are sending our thoughts and prayers. Now we can have a direct "link" to send those to you. Wishing you much joy throughout this holiday season. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by family---the best gift Christmas can offer.
Lisa Gendotti

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Little Sister and Dave, Just to let you know you are in our prayers day and night. Thank you for creating a way for us to keep in touch Layne, this was such a neat way to do it. Love all of you. Dot and Dale