Thursday, July 17, 2008

Keeping it up

Hey everyone! Thanks for keeping with us. While we do not update this blog often, rest assured are still kicking around ideas for it.

I am very thankful that you are still out there, across the state, nation, and even world, reading. Its not always easy for us to keep the posts coming, but on occasion we get an itch, or theres a special event where we find it necessary to post... tomorrow is one of those special necessities!

Tomorrow is a grand event on this site, tomorrow is the day we celebrate Sherry's birthday!

Please come by and visit as there will be a new post, including a new picture many have probably not seen, or maybe you have... ?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Layne, I know it is not easy for you to write these posts. You do a beautiful job of it, though, and I know your Mom is so proud of you! Even though I may not comment, I log on almost daily, even if just for a moment. It's kind of like giving someone you love a hug, and getting one in return.

So even if you aren't aware, I know I speak for many out there who stop by for a visit, even if it's just to see Sherry's beautiful smile again. But we also love the opportunity to hear of the latest family news, hope to see a new picture once in awhile, and hear your thoughts, and those of your father, which are always inspiring.

Here I am your Mom2, and even I don't know sometimes what you and Amy, much less Jeremy and Becky are up to! :) So you make my heart glad. I'm so grateful to be able to share you with your Mom. I know that's the way she wants it. It is so worth the effort it takes to keep posting, even if once in awhile - that's perfectly ok. We are all just grateful you care enough to carry on. Love to you and my Amy-b, Donna