Friday, July 18, 2008

Today, We Rejoice.

Paul wrote this to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’” he also wrote it for us.

Today is July 18th and this day is Sherry's birthday. She would have been 50 this year and plans for this day, a year ago, were being made. There was going to be a celebration at the Marina with family and friends. God had a bigger plan for Sherry, and His plan was to celebrate her birthday with Him.

Six months ago yesterday she left this world; I am sure she is rejoicing. So the question for us is: “how do we rejoice on a day like this?” Paul said to rejoice in the Lord always. I would like to think that it was easier for him to say this; however, we know that he was in prison when he wrote this command. Paul definitely knew a thing or two about difficult times.

Perhaps rejoicing in the Lord reminds us of how good God is, how good friends and family are, and how good it is to have memories. Webster’s dictionary defines rejoice as a verb: to give joy, gladden, stemming from the Latin word gaudēre, to be glad. Despite the loss, we have the assurance of where Sherry is and that we share the same promise. Sherry taught us how to give joy, freely.

A year ago we were making general plans. A year ago Sherry had to be at the local hospital for a test. We then left for U of M that afternoon and had dinner at a favorite restaurant, Zingerman's. We sat outdoors to eat, and listened to a local jazz trio as we talked about life. Suddenly the trio sang Happy Birthday to her in a jazzy fashion. It gave her such joy, it was great. We stayed at Ann Arbor that night because Sherry had to be at U of M at 5:10 am for a MRI, and then see her doctor and then on to chemo.

We made it work, and that was how we did things. We got home late the next day, and the following evening, family came over to celebrate one more time, one more birthday, one more day to celebrate her.

“Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’”

Well we had plans and always had dreams, but one plan that we did not have, and I can't hold it back any longer. God always has a way of showing us reason to rejoice. For our family we are going to add another one. Jeremy and Becky are expecting their second child. So this makes me a Grandfather, twice. Not sure what you call yourself when you have two grandkids (but I'm sure that some of you will help me with that…). And the due date? The week of January 20th.

So once again: “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again ‘Rejoice!’” -Phil. 4:4

Today, we choose to rejoice, to be glad, to enjoy our sweet memories, and to look forward with a smile as we continue to make many, many more.

-The Hagerman's


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, Happy Birthday Sherry!
xo cj

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute your love is Dave, and what you've written as well. Sherry was there with us all, yesterday, I just know, somehow. You all were on my mind and in my prayers all day. Everywhere you go, there she is. She will never really leave.

How wonderful that Becky and Jeremy are expecting another little one, and of all the due dates! How like God to give us a reminder of new life, on the anniversary of her new life.

In the midst of the bittersweet, my heart is with you. Even when you are not aware, prayers from all those who love you, and who love Sherry, surrounds you, Dave. Take care - Donna

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
I was thinking of Aunt Sherry this week, knowing her birthday was coming and your family would be marking another milestone. You've all been in my thoughts and prayers. Wonderful news about the new grandbaby!
