Monday, June 23, 2008

Another Birthday

Sunday I turned 27 years old, and boy did I feel it! On Saturday, a good friend of mine came down, and we went to the driving range, and when Sunday arrived, I was sore! It was my first time out this year, and I could tell.

I am very thankful to everyone who came down to visit, and I appreciate everyones kind words that we not able to make it. I know it was short notice to many.

I can understand a little bit more what my dad felt on his birthday, back in March. Jeremy, Becky & Anna came down, dad was here, and Adam, my other brother, came down too. It was great to have everyone here, but it was different.

It was another first since mom has passed. It's still difficult just to write it. Happiness definitely stopped by to visit at the party, but there was definitely something missing, and her name is mom.

On occasion I think about how my grieving process has proceeded, and I believe I am still handling it well. There are times, and I know there will be for many years to come, that I will stop and think about the joy and presence mom brought with her. The room changed when she entered, and we were blessed to be a part of it.

We are still blessed by those memories, even when its hard to recognize the blessing.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

An update from the Family

Greetings to all,

It has been a while since we have posted. Sorry for the delay. Life for us has been busy, trying to find a normal part to life. But we all find that there is no normal. Just that life continues forward with memories. Good memories.

Since our last post "the American Cancer Relay for life", theres has been some events that have taken place.

The American Relay for life. The team Linda Hill put together " Maebug's Ladybugs", raised over $1500.00. The team also won best theme. You quessed it, we were all ladybugs.

Anna, will turn two on June 29th. She is talking and say small sentences that surprise us all the time.

The boat is in the water. It has logged a few hours out on Lake Michigan and is eagerly waiting to log more time. Thanks to all on D Dock for you help. You folks are the best. They are always ready to help. They always run when the boat comes into dock... running away for safety or maybe to help.

Sparrow Hospice had a Memorial Service, it was good to talk with Sherry's hospice nurse's again.

Jeremy ran his first triathlon a few weeks ago and did very well, even got his picture in the paper! Last week Jeremy, Becky and Anna went to St. Louis to visit Wendy, Justen and their family.

Layne has started a new job a Gull Lake Ministries as a cook. They visited Washington DC and then Amy continued on to Madison WI for more work.

The free Corian counter tops, that I won last fall, were installed last week.

Betty, Sherry's sister made here trip to U of M for her testing for the genetic research. U of M finds the research a challenge for the family as there seems to be no solid answers yet, as to what gene that may be causing so much cancer in the family. Betty's test resolutes should be back in another month. The Doctors hope that they may find something, but with all testing they can only focus on a few areas.

I went along with Betty and Barb. It was good, Sherry's Drs. came out and talked with us. It was a healing time to see them again and to here them talk of how strong a person Sherry was.
The Genetic Drs. were also the same that did Sherry's. They too knew of her death, and spoke kind words, encouraged us even more as to why the research is needed.

Although this seems little to over the last few months, the weeks have gone by quickly, and there is so much that has happened in our lives. At different times of the day it seems that only yesterday she passed on. This coming week it will be five months. How time moves on and yet memories seem to some times stand still.

Today is Father's Day. The kids came over and grilled dinner and we ate well. Then we went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream. I can say that I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. My son's and daughter's are the best and I truly love them. They have been such a strength and support to me.

As for Anna, She has a spot in my heart that continues to grow bigger every time I see her. When I look at her pictures and look at Sherry's pictures, there is no question that she has her grandmother's smile. Well I think so, but perhaps its a grandfather thing.

So we thank you for all of your prayers. Continue to visit the site, I think we have some news to post soon!!

Dave and family.