Friday, October 24, 2008

A Personal Update

Today I attended a funeral for a long time friend of the family. A wonderful lady lost her husband this March, and this past Tuesday, She went home to join him. A lot of memories came backto me and I would like to share them.

First let me share with you about this lady. In March, at her husband’s funeral, she sat in her wheel chair, at the age of 86. She was more concerned as to how my family and I were doing than with her own loss.

I have known this couple since I was a child growing up in our small community church. Both of them had taught Sunday School at various times, lead Bible studies, taking part in many Church activities. Our families had a common thread in our beliefs. Both of them always had a positive outlook on life and a sincere love for God.

When Sherry and I were planning our Wedding it seemed only right to ask this couple to act as Host and Hostess for our Wedding. They did. They were well experienced in doing this as they had done it for many other families and friends.

What goes through my mind is that this wonderful couple lived a life together for over 50 years. They were still in love with each other and were blessed to go Home with in 7 months of each other. What a perfect end to their time on this earth.

I talked with their son after the dinner, we shared the sorrow of our losses, yet were reassured by the reunion we will share with them some day soon.

I do not know how people act in Heaven, as to how they catch up with other family and friends, but here is my take on the first few greetings in Heaven. After meeting our Savior and hearing well done, we will meet with our family. I believe that there is a welcoming party with people that played a part in our lives here; A homecoming to say the least. To me, that is, for this wonderful lady, she will be the first to give a personal update on me and my family: We’re doing OK.
