Sunday, September 21, 2008

Through the Fog

I woke up this morning surrounded by fog. Some family is coming down today to help me finish up a laying the boards on a deck I have been building. My mind hasnt really started working yet, havent had my cup of coffee yet this morning (yet another sign that I am aging).

Have you ever driven in the fog? I dont know about you, but I have a tendency to look around more, keeping an eye out for deer, or anything else really. Then the fog will get thicker and its more difficult to see where the road ends and the grass starts. Your praying that another car wont come down the road. Then, when you least expect it... you get on top of a small hill that lets you see for miles.

Your was un prepared for the moment, but you get that sense of comfort knowing that your going to be alright for the little longer.

Today, this morning, that was my moment. I woke to a phone call. My brother in law and father in law are coming down. I saw on my computer and decided to listen to Chris Rice's "Breakfast Table" song.

I sang along while thinking about mom, and I was, am, okay, content, happy. Funny how sometimes that clearing comes in and allows you to look forward and know its going to be alright.